Quick Thoughts Under the Fedora: Imagine the Outcry Under Trump , Teddy Brewster Hardest Hit, A Bill Clinton Problem, Catholic Men’s Conference Francis to Disney+ and of Course.

Posted: March 25, 2023 by datechguy in Uncategorized

According to a reporter to Today’s News Africa who is assigned the White House beat there is discrimination going on at the press briefings:

“They don’t take questions from any African journalists.”

Imagine the MSM outcry if this was said by a black African reporter under Trump or Bush.

This headline at Fox conserving Idaho is interesting

Idaho gov signs bill barring transgender students from using bathrooms consistent with their gender identity

Such a woke headline rather than pointing out that students will be forced to use bathrooms that correspond with reality.

Of the course the person hardest hit in Teddy Brewster whose family has been lobbying for a bill forcing people to salute in his presence and require them to address him as either “Mr President” or “Colonel”

One of the reasons why Donald Trump does not like the response of Ron DeSantis to the possibility of his indictment is it highlights something about the whole Trump/Daniels business. While the prosecution is clearly political, the “crime” at best a paperwork misdemeanor that the statute of limitations has passed on. A “crime” even the Justice department has passed on there is one adjective concerning the alleged affair and payoff of Ms. Daniels by Mr. Trump that is just as unapplicable to this case as it was concerning Bill Clinton’s visits to Jeffrey Epstein’s island.


It’s because it is so believable to the public that the left keeps bringing it up.

Of course folks like me lost the culture war where such a thing was disqualifying almost 30 years ago to the left so I find it very interesting that they suddenly think it beyond the pale.

Today I’ll be at Assumption College in Worcester attending the Catholic Men’s Conference at the WQPH booth. I’ll have copies of my book to sell and will be taking prayer requests from any who wish to make them.

Hope to see you there.

A topic that may or may not come up is the Pope’s special that will be on Disney+ addressing issue with young people.

If it was St. John Paul II or Benedict XVI I’d be excited but I shudder at what Francis might say. Of course if St. John Paul II or Benedict XVI was still pope Disney+ would have no interest in giving the Pope a platform.

Unexpectedly of course

Finally one slightly amusing oddity. I’m Car pooling to the Men’s Conference and am supposed to meet the folks I’m going with between 6:30 & 6:45 AM today.

As I normally get up at 7:30 or later and I had trouble getting to sleep last night so my wife set two alarms for 6 AM on her phone as we no longer have an alarm clock.

So naturally I woke at 5:10 with no problem and was unable to shut off said alarms to keep from waking her. Rest assured that if the Alarms were not set I would still be asleep now.

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