I’ll Believe the Jan 6th Committee Was Not Corrupt When We Stop Getting Evidence That They Were

Posted: August 9, 2023 by datechguy in elections, politics
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German Officer: [Bringing in dummy paratrooper] General this is what they dropped/ They explode when they come in contact with the earth. In the dark they look like soldiers.
Aide: Perhaps they are what General Richter saw, not real paratroopers.

General Erich Marks: No. When you create a diversion, it’s for a reason.

The Longest Day 1961

We’re heard a lot of things concerning Jan 6th from the left and we’ve seen Americans whose crime was to walk into a public building with police allowing them in treated worse that those burning down their cities because they have the same unapproved opinion on the honestly of Election 2024 as I have.

But if you really want to understand what actually happened and who is telling the truth, you can’t do better than the clue provided by this bit of breaking news.

Hotair puts it this way:

Fox News reports that the House Committee that was supposed to inherit the files from the January 6th Committee was handed a jumbled mess of unorganized files and computer records, and as they have been sorting through them they discovered that about 1/2 the records are missing.

This is illegal for a number of reasons, both due to laws demanding the preservation of records, and by the rules by which the committee was established. Many January 6th defendants have been requesting some of these records for their defense, claiming that they contain exculpatory evidence, and the House simply cannot provide them due to their absence.

To me it’s a very simple equation:

If you are doing things above board and the evidence supports your conclusions naturally you preserve all your records as required by law so that any mere blogger who questions it can be quickly shot down as a crank.

But if you destroy those records, it’s for a REASON. And the logical reason for it is that the evidence it contains contradicts and or disproves what was being presented. Which is why no republican who might object to such things or demand that such evidence be preserved was allowed on the committee.

The logical conclusion of his is the folks on the January 6th committee are corrupt bastards who should never be allowed in any office of trust and that the entire narrative we have been sold on it is and always has been a lie.

And to those on the left who still insist that all of this is above board and claim I should not say such scandalous things, I say in the same frame that Harry Truman answered the Russian ambassador: Stop acting in the scandalous way and I’ll stop calling your behavior a scandal.

A note: The reason you have both the tweet in question and the image of that tweet in this post is because for some strange reason wordpress didn’t like that tweet embedded when I tried to do it at first. A few years ago I would have automatically assumed it was a tech issue and pulled the duplicate but since being repeatedly falsely banned by twitter during November and early December of 2020 and being kicked off of youtube for suggesting the fix was in on the last election I must confess I’m a tad jaded these day so I’ll just keep the screen shot in, just in case.

  1. […] blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on the continued corruption of the J6 […]