…And if I’m DeSantis I’m Pushing this Video Far and Wide

Posted: August 31, 2023 by datechguy in election 2024, elections, media, politics
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Yesterday I mentioned that If I was a Trump supporter I’d be pushing the Tucker interview with Orban because of his (correct) statements about the Trump foreign policy which was great if you want peace, but not so great if you want graft for one’s friends.

Now in the aftermath of the hurricanes that hit Florida it’s DeSantis’ turn. He skipped campaign events to head back and take charge which is both the right and the smart thing to do and the wheels are in motion.

The first thing that jumps out at you is that the media seem to be determined to ignore the storm aftermath, this is likely due to the comparison to Biden after Maui to wit:

But the real kicker is this video:

You loot, we shoot. If governors of blue states took this attitude a few years ago US history would have been quite different.

If I’m the DeSantis campaign I distribute this far and wide and by the way, have you noticed how quickly the aftermath of the hurricane became a complete non-story.

Why? Because there is no way to spin it that makes DeSantis look anything but good so Hurricane idalia? That’s old news.

#unexpectedly of course

  1. […] …And if I’m DeSantis I’m Pushing this Video Far and Wide […]