Archive for June 25, 2024

By Christopher Harper

Living in flyover country can expose you to issues that go unnoticed in the big city.

Just up the road near my home in central Pennsylvania is a prime example of what’s become known as “regenerative farming.”

Owner Josh Leidecker says the farm practices regenerative farming, or, more simply put, growing as nature intended. This method refers to growing practices that restore soil health and increase biodiversity through crop rotation and other means.

“It just takes a little while to get there,” Leidecker said of the vision for regenerative agriculture at Today Farm. “You know, we’ve got a big plan for this.”

Leidecker brings agriculture experience from his other business venture, Susquehanna Mills, an area manufacturer of organic cooking oils. The farm plans to grow oilseed crops and potatoes, some small stands of vegetables, and at least one of the fields will be grazing grounds for animals—a regenerative agriculture method.

What was once known as “organic farming” has become a national trend. Some regenerative farm techniques may include planting interceding crops to benefit the soil and feed livestock and using so-called”chicken tractors” as a form of crop tilling. The chickens move about the ground in a controlled manner and fertilize the ground with their feces, providing nutrients for crop rotation.

Here is a documentary about the farming methods: Roots So Deep (You Can See The Devil Down There) from Carbon Natio.

Teddy Gentry, the bass player of the band Alabama, is a leading proponent of regenerative farming. He speaks about transforming his fields by listening to quail sing. See

Since 1989, Gentry has been a pioneer in the cattle industry, creating the South Poll breed to combine the best traits of four breeds, resulting in heat-tolerant and efficient cattle.

The Farming Systems Trial from the Pennsylvania-based Rodale Institute argues that organic agriculture performs as well as, if not better than, conventional agriculture. The study demonstrated how nutrient-dense organic food helped to prevent and reverse diseases.

The institute tries to create economic vitality in rural communities by training tomorrow’s organic farmers.

Jon Lundgren, a former entomologist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, left the government when he realized the pesticides meant to control pest bugs were wiping out scores of beneficial insects critical for the local ecosystem. See:

Hat tip to Elizabeth Harper

One of the basic themes of the Donald Trump Campaign is summed up neatly in a simple meme that’s been around for a bit:

Given the events of the last four to eight years this is something that’s easily believable to anyone who has paid attention, but to those who:

  1. Have not paid attention
  2. Distrust or dislike Trump due to style
  3. Hate Trump with an irrational passion

The very idea that they (the left/deep state) are after us is either:

  1. Ignored or dismissed as rhetoric
  2. Disbelieved outright
  3. Considered irrelevant because their hatred of Trump justifies any action to stop him.

And that’s why Donald Trump has agreed to debate terms that no other sane man would tolerate.

You see Trump knows many of these people for what they are. For an entire lifetime they feted him, celebrated him, worked to get close to him and begged him for money. It wasn’t until he became a political threat to the left that he suddenly became a racist, or a Russian plant or anything else they started to call him (You might recall the Morning Joe crowd who are among the most vitriolic Trump haters out there celebrated and promoted him during the 2016 GOP primaries when they were convinced that if nominated he would lose and lose big). To function in big Democrat cities he had to work with a lot of them and was the sober man at every party where they were drinking and talking.

He also knows regular Americans not just from the campaign trail, but from getting to know the builders and workers who not only put up his buildings but worked in them. He knows many of them understand basic fairness and decency.

On Thursday a lot of those people who haven’t been paying attention, or distrust what he says or hate him irrationally will be watching and it’s unlike any other presidential debate that has ever existed because it’s the first time in the history of a presidential debate where BOTH CANDIDATES HAVE ALREADY BEEN PRESIDENT.

It’s not going to be about policy, all those watching know the policies that each administration pursued, it won’t even be about the economy, all those watching know what the economy is and what it was. Even a 15 year old is old enough to understand the difference between how things were five years ago and how they are now. No the question up to be answered is who can lead and who has to be led and who will give them a fair shake.

That why Trump’s campaign lady went on CNN and that’s why CNN had to censor her when she said what everyone who has paid attention knew to be true:

She did so to establish what the reality is going to be, because while a lot of people haven’t been paying attention to the election they have heard of this:

and see this:

So when Trump goes before two CNN moderators who attack him and defer to Biden for 90 minutes in front of the watching world he’s counting on all those who have not been paying attention, those who disbelieve his claim of unequal treatment and those who are nevertrump at all costs to see it for what it is.

  1. The people who weren’t paying attention will see the reality, perhaps for the first time
  2. The people who distrust Trump will recognize what is happening and believe (much like the Jews of America are having their eyes opened to the left lately
  3. The “never trump at all cost” crowd will recognize it point, laugh and cheer because their hatred overrides all but perhaps even a few of them will find it a bridge too far.

They’re going to make his case for him. He’s counting on it.