Posts Tagged ‘Trump’

After more absurd attempts than the entire run of Wile E. Coyote cartoons, Democrats finally succeeded at getting Trump.  All it took was an utterly corrupt District Attorney,  a similarly dishonest judge, twelve partisan jurors, and a complete trampling of the American judicial system. This was the culmination of almost eight years of constant scheming  

At the beginning of each previous attempt Democrat politicians, their sycophants in the news media and Hollywood, and their useful idiot foot soldiers celebrated with extreme glee.  They only had their hopes dashed over and over again as their schemes failed just as surely as if they came directly out of an Acme catalog.

The total glee the usual collective mob of leftists displayed at the verdict out of New York was exactly what everyone on the political right expected.   Check out this statement from George Stephanopoulos.

And we begin, Michael, with another first in American history. Donald Trump, now the first and only man who’s held the presidency to face a felony conviction. There you see the verdict sheet filled out by a New York jury. Guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records as part of an illegal scheme to corrupt the 2016 election that made him president. This is the third time this year that citizen jurors have held Trump accountable. In January, an $83.3 million judgment for defaming E. Jean Carroll. In February, a $450 million judgment for civil fraud in his business dealings. Juries. Ordinary people doing their duty under enormous stress, demonstrating civic courage. Remarkably, convicted felons can run for president. So, this year, in this extraordinary time, American voters will be the ultimate jurors. We’re going to cover the fallout of this unprecedented event.

It has been abundantly clear that this fraudulent verdict has infuriated Conservatives and Libertarians to a level that the Democrats never expected in their wildest dreams.  It is as if they poked a sleeping dragon in the eye.  Also a large percentage of Independents immediately rallied to Trump’s defense. 

As you can see from this headline, Donald Trump campaign has raised over $200 MILLION in just THREE days since guilty felony verdict, son Eric Trump claims (, Trump received an absolute avalanche of donations immediately after the verdict was issued.

The conviction of President Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest legal travesties ever perpetrated.  One of the most crucial safeguards of our freedom, the jury box, has been desecrated by this farce.

We must make the political left pay using the soap box.  Let the world know how outrageous this verdict truly is on social media.  I know it will be difficult because the left has compromised the soap box through censorship on social media.

We must make them pay at the ballot box. We must vote for Trump in such large numbers that another stolen election is impossible.  Reelecting Trump is the only way of preserving the shattered remains of our Constitutional Republic.  If Biden is reinstalled in the White House, the only of way of restoring the United States is using the cartridge box

By Christopher Harper

Unlike the media’s ‘experts, ‘ I am in a state of uncertainty, unable to predict how Trump’s conviction in New York will affect the November elections.

The only negative influence on Trump would be if he were sent to prison. That would eliminate his ability to use his effective campaign style to convince voters of his ability to handle the job.

Already, some polls state that conviction will play a limited role in the presidential outcome. But, of course, these are polls months before the actual vote and, therefore, are meaningless.

As one sage told me many years ago: “The only poll that counts is what happens when people go to the ballot box.”

What I do know is that the election will be decided on a variety of issues: the economy, immigration, abortion, and the apparent weakness of the United States in international matters, such as Afghanistan, Israel, and Ukraine.

The issue will fall flat if the Biden campaign focuses on Trump’s conviction.

Moreover, the election’s outcome will be heavily influenced by the usual key states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, and a few others. The sway of local issues and the uncertainty surrounding Robert Kennedy’s third-party candidacy could potentially tip the scales in favor of either Biden or Trump.

It’s challenging to gauge Kennedy’s strength other than as a protest vote against the major parties. Only George Wallace and Ross Perot made significant inroads in the presidential election.

The media will continue to focus on Trump’s conviction and the faults they see in his personality. However, the media’s influence in presidential elections has declined significantly in the past decade.

By John Ruberry

Artificial Intelligence, AI for short, is dangerous.

Musical instruments can be used to create beautiful and soul-stirring music, such as Beethoven’s 9th Symphony; they can also be abused to grind out aural rubbish such as Screaming Lord Sutch’s Lord Sutch and Heavy Friends, which a BBC poll found to be the worst album of all time.

Artificial intelligence can be twisted to produce ugliness, distortions, and lies.

On my smartphone, I asked Meta AI, thru Facebook, “Is Biden healthy?”

This is the answer I received:

President Joe Biden has generally been considered healthy for his age. In 2021, his physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, released a medical report stating that Biden was “healthy” and “vigorous” and that he was fit to serve as president.

However, like many people his age, Biden has had some health issues, including:

– A history of brain aneurysms (Successfully treated in 1988).
– A pulmonary embolism (treated in 1988).
– Atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat).
– High cholesterol.
– Acid reflux.
– A minor foot fracture in 2020.
– COVID-19 in 2022 (mild symptoms).

Despite these issues, Biden has maintained an active schedule and has been cleared by his doctors to continue serving as president.

While I am not a doctor, but clearly the president is that the president is “an old 81” and at the very least, should submit to a full cognitive exam from a qualified and unbiased team of psychiatrists.

Meta AI doesn’t mention Biden’s frequent mental wanderings, the most recent of which was last month’s disastrous Biden press conference that was abruptly ended by Karine Jean-Pierre.

Let’s check into Meta AI’s opinion on the presumptive Republican nominee for president, Donald J. Trump.

“Is Trump healthy?”

Former President Donald Trump’s health has been a subject of interest and controversy. In 2019, his then-personal physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, wrote a letter stating that Trump was in “excellent physical health” and that his lab results were “astonishingly excellent.” However, there have been some concerns and controversies surrounding Trump’s health, including:

– Obesity (he is reportedly 6’3″ and weighed 230 pounds in 2019).
– High cholesterol.
– A history of fast food consumption and poor diet.
– Questions about his mental health and cognitive abilities.
. – A bout of COVID-19 in 2020 (he was hospitalized for a few days).
– A history of esophageal reflux and sleep apnea.

It’s important to note that Trump’s health records have not been fully disclosed, and some of his medical information has been disputed or controversial.


As the Washington Post says, “Democracy dies in darkness.” It can also choke to death from lies.

Yes, Trump’s diet sucks and he’s overweight. Yet one Meta AI distortion about Trump jumps out: “Questions about his mental health and cognitive abilities.” Trump’s political rallies are an exercise of streams of consciousness. No one ever questioned James Joyce’s cognitive abilities. The same goes for legendary baseball manager Casey Stengel. Trump’s mind is as sharp as a pin, while Biden can’t even make it through a brief speech in front of a teleprompter.

“Controversy” and “controversial” are used in Meta AI’s account of Trump’s health, but not in Biden’s health rundown.

I could go on and on, but two more things: I’ve always been skeptical about the established line that Biden’s “minor foot fracture” was the result of the then-president-elect playing with his dog. And while Meta AI while mentions that Trump suffers from sleep apnea, it’s been widely reported–but not by Meta AI–that Biden uses a CPAP machine to treat his sleep apnea.

If America ever collapses, an Edward Gibbon of the future will need to include a chapter or two about social media in that account of the decline and fall.

I played around the Meta AI a bit more, not every answer about Trump’s health was a biased as the one documented here, but perhaps Meta AI was getting wise to me.

I’m sure Meta AI has a file on me that includes the words “right-wing lunatic.”

John Ruberry regularly blogs, without the use of AI, at Marathon Pundit.

By John Ruberry

If you only have a minute and you want to know, in a nutshell, what the Netflix adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s novel from 1998, A Man in Full, is all about, here it is: The lead character, Atlanta businessman Charlie Croker, is Donald Trump–orange hair and all. Then throw in elements of the George Floyd and Rodney King stories and add an even more shocking ending than the one in Boogie Nights.

Earlier this month, Netflix started streaming the six-episode series, which stars Jeff Daniels and Diane Lane. 

Wolfe, who is my favorite writer, after a two-decade career in journalism, made a smooth transition into fiction with his first novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities. It encapsulates the boom years of 1980s–along with the mayhem of pre-Rudy Giuliani New York City. Three years later, the film version was released. It is godawful, starting with the miscasting of Tom Hanks in the lead role as “the Master of the Universe,” Sylvester McCoy. After I suffered through the movie, I said to myself, Vanities is a mini-series not a two-hour movie.

I had hopes, misguided ones it turns out, that A Man in Full would be better, because it is a mini-series. Adding to my anticipation was Netflix streaming last year the insightful documentary, Radical Wolfe.

As A Man in Full begins, Charlie Croker (Daniels) is celebrating his 60th birthday at a party with Shania Twain entertaining his friends, family, and business associates. Two of those guests are executives from PlannersBanc, his principal lender, Raymond Peepgrass (Tom Pelphrey) and Harry Zale (Bill Camp). While it appears that Croker is an Atlanta version of a Master of the Universe, he’s broke–Charlie owes PlannersBanc $600 million. He’s overextended with other lenders too. Peepgrass and Zale want to carve up Croker’s empire, starting with his quail hunting plantation and his corporate jet. A rescue is offered by the mayor of Atlanta, Wes Jordan (William Jackson Harper), who is campaigning for reelection, and Croker’s attorney, Roger White (Aml Ameen). But to save his neck, Croker will have to betray his former Georgia Tech football teammate, Norman Bagovitch (John Lacy), who is running against Jordan.

Bagovitch–wait for it–decries the status of the white male in his campaign. Jordan is Black.

David E. Kelley wrote the script, and he should be ashamed. No serious candidate for public office would campaign on such bigoted idiocy. And in Atlanta?!? Why does Kelley insult his audience?  

Oh yeah, he wants to demonize Trump. Orange Croker Bad. Oops, I mean Orange Man Bad.

Joyce Newman (Lucy Liu) is an alleged victim of a sexual assault from Bagovitch. In the book, well, let’s just say there is fear of a race riot because of the racial angle of that alleged rape.

Wolfe, brilliantly in my opinion, centered much of his plot on racial contrast and conflict, but also on Croker being an anachronism. The series is set in 2024, but events in the book take place a quarter of a century earlier. Croker, nicknamed the 60 Minute Man because he starred on offense and defense for Georgia Tech, played a lead role for a national championship Yellowjackets team, at a time when major college sports teams in the South were not integrated. Croker came of age just as the civil rights protests were picking up steam, and when Jim Crow laws were still in force in Georgia and other southern states. The world changed, but Croker, not so much. Sure, of course Croker in the novel knew blacks had equal rights, but they still belonged– and I’m not endorsing his sentiment–“in their place.”

Kelley, and the directors, eliminates that angle by turning Croker into Trump. He even does away with Charlie’s redemption in Wolfe’s novel.

There’s even a climate change dig included in the series. I mean, why not?

As Croker, Daniels, who is usually very good, is an embarrassment, beginning with his overwrought Foghorn Leghorn southern accent and his Trump-sized abdominal paunch. On the other hand, Diane Lane, as Charlie’s first wife, shines. I had the pleasure of seeing her at Chicago’s Goodman Theatre in Tennessee Williams’ Sweet Bird of Youth a decade ago.

Wolfe’s novel is over 700 pages long, so it’s understandable that some storylines are condensed. 

For instance, Conrad Hensley in the book is the child of worthless white hippies who, in spite of them, still manages to develop a strong moral compass. He works for Croker Foods in the East Bay area of California Hensley’s life, like Charlie’s, collapses. He ends up on the wrong side of the law after he violently tries to retrieve his towed car. By the way, anyone who has had his car towed and is forced to pay usurious fees to retrieve it, will sympathize with Hensley. In the series Hensley (Jan Michael Hill) is Black, and well, I already mentioned Rodney King and George Floyd. 

The subplot with Peepgrass and Martha Croker remains, with the Boogie Nights twist added. If you crave more details on that, click on this Daily Mail link.

Oh, the Crokers’ son, Wally (Evan Roe), sure looks a lot like Barron Trump in the series. 

Astonishingly, Trump-hating Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis doesn’t appear here. Maybe she was on a cruise with Nathan Wade during filming.

I guess I needed to suffer for some forgotten sins, because I endured all six episodes of A Man in Full. Of the other Netflix series that I punished myself with, in full, only The Pentaverate and Vikings: Valhalla were worse.

On the flipside, the cinematography for A Man in Full is sharp–Atlanta never looked so good. The soundtrack, compiled by Craig DeLeon, is spectacular, it’s as splendid as the best work of T-Bone Burnett. Keep an eye on DeLeon.

Wolfe, who died in 2018, didn’t like The Bonfire of the Vanities film. I don’t think he’d care for the series based on A Man in Full either.

I hated it.

A Man in Full is currently streaming on Netflix. It is rated TV-MA for violence, foul language, sex, and nudity.

John Ruberry regularly blogs at Marathon Pundit.