Archive for March 4, 2011

The Backward world Northwestern University

Posted: March 4, 2011 by datechguy in oddities
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If the backwards nature of the left was not already apparent the story of North-Western’s interesting class just cements it.

Northwestern University psychology professor J. Michael Bailey isn’t sure whether he’ll say he shouldn’t have allowed a live sex demo in an after-class session.

“If I decide to say I shouldn’t have done this,” Bailey told the Chicago Tribune Thursday, “it will be because [the controversy] could have been avoided, not because anybody has been harmed by it.”

Bailey allowed a man to demonstrate the use of a sex toy on his naked girlfriend in front of about 100 Northwestern University students Feb. 21, and the firestorm has been building since.

Michael Graham has video (sorry guys not the video you hoped for)

At the other McCain Smitty from Afghanistan is suggesting Charlie Sheen for Northwestern U’s First Heidi Fleiss Chair Of Applied Public Debauchery Studies while Stacy points out more idiocy from an NEA representative:

“Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,” Diane Schneider told the audience at a [United Nations conference] panel on combating homophobia and transphobia. Schneider, representing the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the US, advocated for more “inclusive” sex education in US schools.

Makes you want to just go out and support the union in Wisconsin doesn’t it?

More Amazing was the initial defense as Michelle Malkin reports:

The p.r. flack for Northwestern defended the “lecture” and “demonstration” as an example of teaching that puts the high-priced school “at the leading edge.”

But some students could see that the Emperor had no clothes, literally:

At least one student who witnessed the XXX-rated demo had a more accurate description:

“I didn’t expect to see a live sex show,” said Justin Smith

So once again, let’s go over the lessons of the left. Showing up for work is grounds for dismissal while playing hooky is not. The US is falling behind nationally in education so we need to teach masturbation, and $50,0000 a year colleges defend live sex acts with toys as a proper form of education.

Meanwhile a student get suspended for holding a door for a woman with her hands full.

There is a new study out that looking at boobs is healthy, if that’s true looking at all these idiots will add years to our lifespans.

You need to be reading Ann Althouse these days.

And don’t miss this exchange on Bloggerheads TV

Watch the whole exchange, this particular quote is spot on:

There is no comparison between the rhetoric of the tea party and the rhetoric of these protesters. This is 100 times worse, I mean you have to look around to find anything amongst the tea parties maybe you know maybe there’s some guy with a sign that’s over the top but basically its all over the place here.

Listen to the different between her and Tim Noah he makes general assertions on the tea party based on a single visit to a single rally. Ann has been to multiple Tea Party Rallies and has covered the Wisconsin protests in-depth. Who’s opinion would you trust more?

This is why I don’t do much texting

Posted: March 4, 2011 by datechguy in oddities

Got a call from Dan Riehl today while I was tied up, when I called him back he asked about the text he just received from me. That really threw me off since I hadn’t even tried to send him a text since last month when I covered the Union vs Tea Party protests in Boston.

He figured it was a problem with his coverage and I forget it, until I got ANOTHER text from the Lonely conservative telling she was looking forward to my coverage.

That’s when I recalled I got a “text failed” message that day. Apparently today my failed text of the 22nd went out to everyone.

Isn’t technology wonderful?

As you may have already heard, the absent senators in Wisconsin are being held in contempt and not just by voters:

Republicans voted, 19-0, to find the Democrats in contempt of the Senate and issued orders to Wisconsin law enforcement to detain them.

“We simply cannot have democracy be held hostage because the minority wants to prove a point,” said Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau).

The Senate voted in the morning that absent Democrats would be in contempt of a Senate rule requiring attendance if they did not return by 4 p.m. When they didn’t return, the Senate reconvened and Fitzgerald signed for each missing senator an “order to detain (in the nature of a warrant to arrest and deliver).”

Additionally the protests at the Capital has come at a cost to the voters, literally:

State officials said Thursday that damage to the marble inside and out the State Capitol would cost an estimated $7.5 million.

Cari Anne Renlund, chief legal counsel for the state Department of Administration, said in Dane County court that estimates of damage to marble includes $6 million to repair damaged marble inside the Capitol, $1 million for damage outside and $500,000 for costs to supervise the damage.

Much of the damage apparently has come from tape used to put up signs and placards at the Capitol.

Meanwhile two different recall efforts are under way in Wisconsin. Two weeks ago recall efforts were launched against some democratic senators for fleeing the state. Now the Union supported democrats are launching counter recall efforts against republicans who stayed and they are putting some serious green into it:

The Wisconsin recall effort is only a day old, but it’s going strong. The state Democratic Party has launched a website called Recall the Republican 8 to coordinate events. They have volunteer and contribution pages. There’s also a separate ActBlue page set up for the recall. A separate effort to air a powerful TV ad from the PCCC and DFA, filmed on the day of the 100,000-plus protests last Saturday, has already raised over $225,000.

I suspect a lot of help for union families could be done with 225k but leave that aside for a moment. Let’s look at the arguments:

This past weekend, constituents of Republican state Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills, gathered in an effort to recall her.

“She let it out of committee. She had a chance to look at the bill and say, ‘This reaches too far,'” Darling recall organizer Kristopher Rowe said Saturday.

Or as State Democratic Party chairman Mike Tate puts it:

“In 60 days you can take Wisconsin back by recalling the Republican senators who have decided to push Scott Walker’s divisive attack on the rights of workers and his assault on schools, universities and local communities,”

While on the other side:

“You’re not representing me if you’re not in the Capitol to vote,” said constituent Amanda Cabrera, as she signed the petition.

“Vote yes or no, whether they agree or not, but they need to be in Madison,” said constituent Sandra Dolye. “If (Wirch) can’t do his job, he should get out.”

That’s all you need to know about this: Republicans want to recall people for playing Hooky. Democrats and Unions wants to recall people for showing up.