Archive for March 6, 2011

The NYT talked a bit about Koch today and told about his philanthropic work:

Mr. Koch, a billionaire who is perhaps best known for his family’s contributions to conservative causes, got a standing ovation from scientists, Nobel laureates and politicians of various political stripes as he opened the new David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which he gave $100 million to help build.

Yup $100 million for cancer research I was curious how the left would react. So I went to Wonkette to check it out

David Koch is super sad about how the mean poor/working people are upset because he’s funding and directing the destruction of government unions nationwide. This makes him feel bad! And even though the deeply secretive David Koch never does an interview, the New York TImes somehow managed to get him to speak, on the occasion of David Koch being honored for giving millions of dollars to a cancer research center, because he has cancer and wants to cure his own cancer, even though he owns an evil forestry empire that insists formaldehyde (a carcinogen) is not a carcinogen. See, when poor people get cancer, it’s because they suck. And when rich people who exploit nature and humanity get cancer, it’s time to send $100 million to some little people who can maybe take care of the problem.

Ok I wasn’t really curious, I excepted exactly this, and the comments were even more fun, take a peek:

Here’s one

The only upbeat part of that article is that David Koch has cancer. Everything else is just Koch-sucking.

and Barbara:

I’m really sorry about his prostate cancer. I hope that it doesn’t spread to his anus. If he has to have an asshole transplant, he will be the first person to have the transplant reject the donee.

doc zoom:

It would be inhumane to publicly rejoice at the news that a fellow human being has cancer.

I will therefore rejoice only in private.

And these are not exceptions, they are typical of the comments left. Remember if you disagree with the left politically and do something about it, you are evil and deserve a painful death..

Meanwhile after reading a bit of this nonsense I left the following comment myself:

Yeah tear off those name because if there is one thing that the world needs, is fewer people giving hundreds of millions for cancer research.

I’m sorry but you folks have become parodies of yourself

That comment was rated -31 (so far) and generated five replies one example:

Dear Teabag Troll. We’re happy meester Koch is giving some of his billions to cancer research instead of his usual global warming lovin’, union bustin’, big insurance savin’, Freedom Works sponsorin’ right wing “hobbies”. Just pointing out how he’s all about taking care of #1. Well those things and dinosaurs.. but then they gave him his oil.

Now you might wonder why I bothered? Well it’s because when I saw the reaction I thought of this article I blogged about before:

Monitor Group, a Cambridge-based consultant firm founded by Harvard professors. The management consulting firm received $250,000 a month from the Libyan government from 2006 to 2008 for a wide range of services, including writing the book proposal, bringing prominent academics to Libya to meet Khadafy “to enhance international appreciation of Libya’’ and trying to generate positive news coverage of the country.

And as Moneyrunner put it:

Professors sent to visit Khadafy included luminaries such as Joseph Nye, former dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard; Lord Anthony Giddens, former head of the London School of Economics; Francis Fukuyama political philosopher from Stanford University; and Benjamin Barber, who has written extensively about democracy.

The Monitor Group is not a small organization, boasting 1,500 employees and 29 office worldwide. It is particularly proud of its Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Network, Racial Diversity Network and Women’s Leadership Initiative. For some reason it did not choose to devote part of its website to its “Whitewashing Brutal Dictators Project.”

Well of course I’m sure that since Wonkette readers are so outraged over the Koch article I’m sure that even through the monitor group supports leftist causes they must me outraged over their accepting money from a person who sends jets to slaughter his own people. There has to be article after article and comment after outraged comment on the subject, Right?

Hey there is evil and there is EVIL

Wrong. The monitor group doesn’t rate an article, doesn’t rate a comment, doesn’t rate outrage, but be fair after all Koch is supporting Scott Walker who wants to make labor rules that are still more generous than federal rules or those in other states so he deserves to be opposed cancer research money or no, but as long as you are funding Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender Network, Racial Diversity Network then taking money from actual dictators and mass murders. Hey its all cool.

This is the backwards world of the left, take a bow Wonkette and readers thereof. You make it so easy to show the left for what it is.

Update: Irony meter overload #1 Another replay to what I wrote from Gef05:

What’s interesting is you see our snark as self-parody.

Yet you are unable to see the irony in a man spending millions to say “this carcinogen is no carcinogen” while donating money to cancer research.

Just please go away and play with your own kind. (emphasis mine) Somewhere where the rest of us don’t have to tolerate your lack of thought or your hatred for your fellow man.

The “hatred for the fellow man stuff” is funny and it prompted one more reply from me:

Where is the hatred thing coming from? I don’t know you or any of the people here? Why should I hate any of you?

I just think you’re very very wrong on this topic and other and a lot of the people here are kinda angry. I see it a lot on the left when I cover events and it’s really amazing to see how people kind of lose it .

But hey its a free country, you’ve got to get it out of your system somehow and it makes for good fodder for the blog and the radio show so I should be grateful.

And BTW as an American, in America, you are all “my kind” even Yankee Fans.

Irony meter overload #2 There is another place where Walker is being compared to a dictator:

So in this clip covering the protests in Wisconsin we have the requisite comparisons to Egypt, but PRESS TV also finds someone willing to call Gov. Walker a dictator. Have a look at the photo they’ve used in the background of their set and tell me which dictator they have in mind

Side by side with Iranian TV, solidarity all!

Irony meter overload #3
When Bobby hates you; you stay hated:

He went on to say that he had just visited a high school with [former Florida Governor Jeb] Bush. The crowd booed and hissed.

Booed and hissed? In Obama’s face? Just as he’s talking about the things that drive us together as opposed to the things that drive us apart?!

Did Obama’s own supporters ever take his Tucson speech seriously? And yet his opponents were supposed to moderate their politics at his behest.

Obama may be their guy but there are limits to the famous tolerance of the left.

(BTW the Bobby quote is from old Joe Kennedy he complained how JFK was kind of soft, but Bobby was his boy. I found the quote in Tip O’Neil’s autobiography Man of the House. Should be required reading right and left.)

Update 2:: One of the Wonkette people teased over the lack of comments last night. Alas they didn’t wait for today’s Instalanche.

Update 3: somebody decided to put my comment up on Fark and it generated hundreds of comments. It was suggested that I go over there because apparently I’m being hit pretty hard there. To that I say: So?

I posted on the wonkette thing because I found it interesting and illustrative of the left, and I found the reactions to my comments even more illustrative of the same. The reactions on Fark simply reinforce the point I was making.

I find it all quite amusing.

So fark guys, welcome, feel free to take a look around and come back if you want.

Let’s pretend that Romeo and Juliet was not a story of Capulet and Montague but was instead the story was of an Egyptian Muslim and an Egyptian Christian. It might have gone something like this:

This incident was triggered by a relationship between 40-year-old Copt Ashraf Iskander and a Muslim woman. Yesterday a “reconciliation” meeting was arranged between the relevant Coptic and Muslim families and together with the Muslim elders it was decided that Ashraf Iskander would have to leave the village because Muslims torched his house.

The father of the Muslim woman was killed by his cousin because he did not kill his daughter to preserve the family’s honor, which led the woman’s brother to avenge the death of his father by killing the cousin. The village Muslims blamed the Christians. (emphasis mine)

The Muslim mob attacked the church, exploding 5-6 gas cylinders inside the church, pulled down the cross and the domes and burnt everything inside.

So let’s get this sequence straight:

1. There is a relationship between a Christian and a Muslim.
2. Muslims torch the Christian’s house for it.
3. In order to achieve “reconciliation” the now homeless Christian leaves.
4. The Muslims promptly start killing each other.
5. The Muslims decide it’s not their fault they are killing each other, it’s the fault of the Christian community.
6. Muslims start attacking Christians and torching churches.

Am I the only one who is willing to say aloud that this is insane and barbaric?

But Egyptian’s Christians shouldn’t worry after all the new Egypt recognizes that every in an Egyptian first.

The Church of St. Mina and St. George was torched, and its clergy are unaccounted for. The fire department and security forces failed to respond to Coptic pleas for help during the arson attack.

Or not.

But that was just a family thing, it’s not like the Muslim Brotherhood is going after Christians too:

…this week members of the Muslim Brotherhood, shouting “Allahu Akbar,” stormed a Christian school on Thabit Street in downtown Asyut and attempted to take it over. Egyptian security forces, including an army unit, intervened and routed out the Brotherhood members. The school had been built by Presbyterian missionaries in the early 1900s, and is now directed by Presbyterian Pastor Naji. Christian leaders from this southern area expressed a deepening sense of insecurity as the Muslim Brotherhood emerges from the underground.

At least in this case the army (which doesn’t have a great love of the Muslim Brotherhood) stepped in.

Expect to see a lot more of this and expect it to be ignored by the MSM, at least as long as the dead are Christians.

Planned parenthood is certainly trying to earn their name with this nonsense, because if kids follow this advice they’d better plan for parenthood:

The World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides hosted a no-adults-welcome panel at the United Nations this week where Planned Parenthood was allowed to distribute a brochure entitled “Healthy, Happy and Hot.” The event was part of the annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) which concludes this week.

Because this is exactly what Girl Scouts (Girl Guides is the English Version) is all about learning how to be hot.

And of course why stop there:

The New York Times recently reported that UN Population Fund had co-sponsored a very controversial curriculum with UNESCO, that included teaching children as young as five to be sexually active and training adolescents to advocate for abortion.

Via Pundit and Pundette who also comments on the previous NEA outrage concluding:

Ms. Schneider doesn’t want this to be a choice. Got it. Parental involvement is the last thing they want. It might interfere with the agenda against “heterosexism.”

Stacy McCain who has an image of the cover and one page of the handout has this to say:

Those of you old enough to think of Girl Scouts in terms of crafts, camping and cooking are probably astonished by this, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that the national Girl Scouts organization has been hijacked by radical feminists.

Might as well send them camping with Charlie Sheen . . .

As for Planned Parenthood, as I said on the show, if they have $200k for ads then I think they can pay for this nonsense without taxpayer funds, don’t you?

I gave a copy of McCain’s article to a local girl scout leader after mass today. I think her jaw dropped off and rolled down the front stairs.