Five More Under the Fedora Thoughts on the Raid on Donald Trump’s House: More Norms, Trump as Mr. Clean, In Your Face on Purpose, Silence and Consent, The Left’s Fear of Exposure

Posted: August 10, 2022 by datechguy in Always look at the bright side of Trump, Blame Trump, politics, Uncategorized
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The degree of shock at the Raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago confuses me. Once you have people willing to destroy the norms on stealing an election what makes you think they’re going to respect any other norms?

You know I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, Donald Trump must be one of the cleanest businessmen who ever ran a business and one of the most honest pols who ever held office.

With the degree of scrutiny given to him and the enthusiastic desire to find something ANYTHING criminal about him from both the government and the press the fact that over six years they have come up with nothing solidifies this opinion.

The funny thing of course is that people likely would not have had that opinion before he ran.

There is one other aspect of what was done that should be addressed. One of the reasons people were shocked is how “in your face” this actually is.

That’s deliberate, they WANT people to understand that they will come after you and you can’t do anything about it, they want you to know who is in charge, who is the master and who is the slave.

It’s meant to be psychological terrorism.

There are a few people who are shocked at how few leftists are speaking out against this. I’m not shocked for three reasons:

  1. The violent wing of the left is still ready to go after anyone who speaks out of turn and particularly anyone they consider “traitors”
  2. The left didn’t see the possibility of Harry Reid’s filibuster reform being used against them, why would they see the consequences for them here?
  3. In a party that is post Christian, ends and means are what matters , why would you expect a moral stand?

Finally we talked about how clean Trump must be now let’s look at the other side of the coin.

For decades Republicans and Democrats have traded power, each side has been in charge for a while then the other. Other than that long run from the 50’s to the 80’s when the dems owned the house the back and forth was normal and both sides understood that sooner or later the pendulum swings back.

The sheer panic on the left concerning a 2nd Trump term suggest to me something different.

Could it be that the left is even more corrupt than we think? Could it be that the stuff that they’ve been doing, enabling and coordinating is even more horrific than that worst conspiracy theorists have imagined? Could it be that the Epstein’s of the world are the norm for the left and not the exception and that they’ve only caught the one?

That would explain the left’s Trump panic. Not being part of the normal system won’t turn a blind eye to things that have been done in the past and continue to be done, more than that he would be motivated to expose what the left has done for decades simply out of revenge over what’s been done to him without cause.

This is simply a theory, I don’t know if that’s true, but it certainly fits the current facts on the ground.

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