Archive for March 11, 2024

For months now, I’ve been looking at this and going “They have a coup planned. The fix is in.” And everyone told me oh, no, I was seeing things.
Tonight we watched states called for Biden before votes were counted, while states that Trump has a solid lead in, stop counting.
And if you need help seeing what’s before your eyes, the left has for weeks now claimed Trump was going to attempt a coup. How many years have you known they accuse you of what they’re doing? What are you? Stupid?

Sarah Hoyt November 2020

The unexpected victory of Donald Trump in 2016 was a giddy time for conservatives. There were a lot of memes celebrating and a classic set of youtube videos of the calls of the various states that got a ton of views as they upset the MSM to no end.

A lot of people in their joy forgot that when Trump was on the verge of victory things just seemed to stop when it came to vote counting, particularly in in PA, and Wisconsin. For some reason it took hours for the final states to put Trump over the top. Furthermore once Trump went up to give his victory speech all those states together suddenly got called.

I have maintained for years that the reason for this was the Democrats who thought the election was in the bag were trying to steal the election on the fly and eventually found they could not. Once they realized they weren’t prepared the states were called expect for New Hampshire where there just happened to be a key Senate race where democrat fraud squad was ready and able to save said seat and give the state to Clinton as a consolation prize.

So while most were still celebrating the defeat of Hillary Clinton I gave the conservative movement in general and Donald Trump in particular one of the best pieces of advice I had ever given in my life:

Democrat Bosses in Wisconsin Michigan and Minnesota had no inkling that the election was close, that being the case there was no reason why, in an age where proof of a federal offense is a cell phone video away, Dem bosses in Detroit or elsewhere felt the need to take any risk.  They figured those states were won (and they were right about Minnesota) and by election night it was too late to change it.

However that won’t be the case in 2020,  I’ll wager that in 2020 the bosses in Milwaukee, Detroit, Madison and elsewhere will be ready, we’ll see plenty of mail in ballots and absentee ballots that we didn’t see before in those states and plenty of voters looking to go for the GOP will be in the same spot that Steven Kruiser was on election night.

We have four years to prepare for this so we’d better get ready because as our friends on the left have demonstrated in the past, they play for keeps.

After all you don’t think Soros has been quietly sinking millions into AG races, you know the people who would be protesting election fraud on a local level, just because it’s fun?

You have all been warned

Well this warning about election fraud and Soros and DA races was completely ignored and thus Election 2020 was stolen, Americans were and are still being imprisoned and the worst four years this country has gone through since World War Two has been the result.

However there is a glimmer of hope that people are finally getting it and one of this is one of the new co-chairs of the GOP Lara Trump:

“Unfortunately, we don’t have one day of voting, we don’t have paper ballots, we don’t have voter ID everywhere. So we have to play the hand that we’re dealt,” Trump said, noting the importance of early voting and mail-in voting where possible. “That way, we have votes banked as we head into Election Day, and we’re not playing catch up on Nov. 5 with the Democrats.”

“We need to be doing legal ballot harvesting — something that has never been done by the RNC, but I can promise you will be a huge part of what we’re planning to do,” she added. “And then come Election Day, and you’ll see that, I think, it’s not just about having poll watchers. It’s about having trained poll watchers and lawyers at locations around the country as necessary. And these are people who will be trained and able to physically count how many ballots are coming in. And how many ballots are going out.”

Trump said her goal is to “have people’s trust restored in our electoral process.” 

Via Citizen Free Press

If you want to know why little miss Romney needed to be replaced, this speech is it. Don Surber has noted this and has given the Trump train a warning:

But the election comes down to Trump stopping a second steal. He rightly has bitched about it for years. Now it is put up or shut up. My tough love for him is to dare to remind him: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Don Suber has some clout with the Trumps that I don’t perhaps they will listen. If they don’t it’s on them but the primary consequences will be on us.

I’ll give Sarah Hoyt the last word from election night 2020:

A second Trump term means a good chance that they go down hard and don’t get up again.
ALL OF THEM from the left politicians to the so called “tech lords” are fighting for their lives.
They’re cornered rats. There’s nothing they won’t do.

And all we have against them is Trump.
Stop calling Trump names.  Put on your big boy or girl pants.
They’re fighting for their lives.  And we are too. Because — look at Venezuela — socialism kills.

We have been warned, AGAIN!