Mike McDonnell, Leaving the Democrats, Failure, Irony and God’s Mysterious Ways

Posted: April 5, 2024 by datechguy in News/opinion, politics
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11th Doctor: You know, since we’re talking with mouths, not really an opportunity that comes along very often, I just want to say, you know, you have never been very reliable.
The Tardis (In Idris’ body): And you have?
11th Doctor: You didn’t always take me where I wanted to go.
The Tardis (In Idris’ body): No, but I always took you where you needed to go.

Doctor Who: The Doctor’s Wife 2012

This morning I saw something on twitter that jumped out at me. The story of a Nebraska state Senator, an Irish Catholic Democrat who finally decided to join the side he was on when it was made clear to him by the party he had stuck with all his life that if he was pro-life he was not welcome or to be supported:

It instantly brought back memories of my first CPAC back when it was held in DC proper. I had gone to McDonalds because it was so much cheaper than the food inside (wonder if it still is today) and I hit me to interview the transit workers at the subway spot who were Democrats and Obama Supporters as they were completely different than the folks I was interviewing inside

I asked them why they were Democrats and one of them turned the tables on me and asked why I was a republican so I turned the camera on myself and gave an answer that sounded a lot like Mike McDonnell’s (about 58 seconds in)

It hit me that all of these videos had so few views now after having so many before on Youtube before I was banned and that I had gone from nearly 1000 subscribers and being ready to finally monetize the platform (I was banned when I reached 998 subscribers) to just a few dozen on Rumble with so much of my work that I did over the course of 13 years now unseen.

Of course this was the time when I was doing subscriber commentaries (that’s what Youtube used to ban me fyi) and I found one of them that I had put out as a “free” commentary to attract subscribers and is one of the better things I did.

Ah the days before my front left implant fell out

The commentary is on responsibility and how we’ve become a society of Narcissists (and BOY have we gotten worse since) but what really hit me was the Tip Jar pitch and the irony of the results.

At that time I was rising and making my pitch to rise higher but as I listed to that commentary again it occurred to me that for all the moaning I’ve done over the loss of my shift and job worries of today, if that pitch had been successful, if I had a large following and had been able to make a good living as a commentator covering events and interviewing people I would most certainly be in jail today.

You see if I had made it I would of course have gone to cover the Trump rally on January 6th 2021 covered the speeches and interviewing people there. I would have shot footages of the marches etc and when the people went into the capital I certainly would have gone in interviewing both protesters and police, giving commentary and reporting on events as they happened and uploaded all of it & written about it to inform my readers.

Thus I would have most assuredly been arrested, charged and convicted of whatever this administration and those who control is deemed to accuse of me of. I’d be rotting in a jail in DC awaiting the return of America to the days before political foes were considered enemies of the state, DaWife would likely have lost the house, with my sons taking care of her the best they could, unless they had come with me as assistants and met the same fate as Karl Rove nodded his head in approval.

My failure spared me and my family this fate that a lot of other honorable men have had to face and I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m glad my family was spared it.

Life turns on little things like then so when I finish my taxes today and look at the various struggles I have to deal with I’m reminded of what faith is.

Faith isn’t believing that God exists. This is a basic fact, faith is having trust that God knows what he is doing even when he hasn’t clued you in.

  1. […] station, and The taffy terrain in Mars’ death valley CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday Da Tech Guy: Mike McDonnell, Leaving the Democrats, Failure, Irony and God’s Mysterious Ways, also, Divine Mercy Novena Day Eight Dana Loesch: Friday Radio Prep, also, Biden Bends The Knee To […]