REAL “Islamophobia” in Action

Posted: April 28, 2024 by datechguy in culture
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One of the favorite charges of the left against the right when we warn about radical Islam ( or as others would phrase it: “Islam” ) are charges of “Islamophobia”.

Adding “phobia” to the end of words has been a cottage industry for the left to attack any person who disagrees with them. Don’t want drag queens twerking at kids you’re “Transphobic”, etc etc etc It’s gotten so bad that at a school in my own state, a trans kid was found with a hit list and is being allowed to stay in school and parents and students who object are being hit in this way.

But from the moment we discovered the idents of the men who put jets into the twin towers the left has trotted out the term “Islamophobia” for anyone who raises any objection to terrorist actions perpetuated by the Religion of PeaceTM which suggests that any fear of radical Islam is unfounded. This is despite the fact that in the month of March of this year alone there were over 150 terror attacks by Muslims in 22 different countries that killed 772 and wounded 668 which included 7 suicide attacks. They are part of the 45,160 deadly attacks since Sept 11th 2001 that they have perpetuated.

What I find particularly amusing about these charges of “Islamophobia” (which has since become such a common word that it now appears in auto-corrects) is that while they are generally leveled by the left against the right the single best examples of it today are in fact on the left among people of the left that are in authority.

Take the campus “protests” and “occupations” taking place all over the US. In states where the right are in power the law is being enforced and any such protests are not allowed to cross legal lines without consequences and even beyond the campus when such “protestors” supporting the genocidal Islamic terror group Hamas attempt to block streets not only are they arrested but there are laws in some states that allow drivers who are blocked by such protestors to continue driving putting all the risks of being in the road on them.

Yet in blue states such protests are allowed to block major throughways with little or no consequences to the point were police are ordered to protect such folks from angered drivers. Why? Because those in power are afraid of said protestors targeting them and fear for their own safety if they do.

In other words they have a “phobia” of these people protesting in the name of Islam.

“But DaTechGuy” you counter. “Isn’t this just the Democrats trying to appease angry Muslims in Michigan in order to keep Trump from winning the state?”

That’s a fair point, although one might call that a “phobia” too but it doesn’t explain what is happening in England where police have actually detained Jews for being openly Jewish on public streets while “protestors” violate existing laws on assembly and speech while at the same time rigorously enforcing said laws on people who pray silently at abortion clinics or post an opinion online that the left finds offensive.

That doesn’t have anything to do with the election in America, that has to do with the Brits knowing that if they confront terror supporters they will fight back violently because they didn’t heed the warnings of those who said such folks are a danger to let in.

In short if you want to look at people who are suffering from “Islamophobia” look at our friends on the left because this fear is driving their inaction all over the world, and most importantly, despite the use of the term in question this fear is entirely rational.

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  2. […] Da Techguy’s Blog notes real Islamophobia in action […]