Posts Tagged ‘profiles in cowardice’

“Father Shouldn’t we put a stop to it” “Aye lad we should, we should it’s our duty”

Policeman 1: [Running into station seeing big fight & massive crowd] Call up Ballinrobe tell them to send the inspector down here send reinforcements the regents. There’s a riot down here!

Policeman 2: [Picking up phone and shouting into it] Ballinrobe, Ballinrobe!

[scene changes to the fight and then returns]

Policeman 1: [On the phone] Yes inspector, thank you sir.

Policeman 2: What did he say?

Policeman 1: He said put Five Pounds on Danaher’s Nose

The Quiet Man 1952

Every now and then people make a wish, a really stupid wish and every now and then the world decides to grant that stupid wish and give said people just what they asked for.

This happened to the “protestors” at UCLA yesterday. Police had arrived in force and the “protestors” being the leftists that they are did not take kindly to their arrival.

They chanted “Pigs Go Home” and had signs up saying “Fuck UCPD” and “ACAB” (all cops are bastards) deriding the police who had arrived to restore order.

This went on for a while, and then the police decided to grant their wish and decided to withdraw…

…coincidently right at the time when a group of people, armed with pipes, upset at an attack the sent a Jewish girl, arrived.

Chris Bray describes what happened next:

For two hours. Multiple agencies responding to a mutual aid request from campus police apparently had conflicting or limited orders, with people on the campus hearing that officers were warned to avoid using force or making arrests.

It was at this point where those folks who where chanting “Pigs go home” were suddenly shocked SHOCLED and outraged at the lack of police presence to protect them.

No police? Isn’t that what those students showing “pigs go home” just a few minutes before wanted? Why aren’t they all delighted?
Where are the police? Why they “fucked off” just like you asked them to.

What we seem to have hear is a failure to communicate the redefinition of words which has become common among the left these days. When the pro-hamas anti-Semite radicals where saying:

“Pigs Go Home”

They apparently actually meant:

“Please Mr. Policeman protect us from our enemies who want revenge on us for beating up that girl”

Bray again:

They never meant “fuck the police” as a statement of principle, as any form of expression regarding their personal beliefs. It was cosplay; they were making fashionable mouth sounds, morally and intellectually empty child-noises from howling human voids gibbering mindless nonsense with absolutely nothing happening in the gob of fat they use for a brain. Empty, pathetic, worthless.

Fortunately for the Hamas crowd the Mayor, perhaps realizing that it was a crowd of Democrat voters who were now at risk instead of just Jewish girls, finally called the police giving permission to engage and within an hour things were quiet again.

It’s worth noting that once the police had removed the danger the pro-terrorist protesters faced from their attackers a familiar refrain returned to the anti-Semite encampment:

(...until our enemies come back to fight)

On the plus side the students at this place of education were given a valuable lesson about police. One of their primary duties is to protect criminals from mob justice, which can be a life saving task if you’re one of the criminals who the mob is crying for vengeance against.

Expect cries of outrage from Democrat pols who were 24 hours earlier decrying the police moving in at Columbia.

Unexpectedly of course.

For those too young to remember the great fight scene referenced at the top here it is:

REAL “Islamophobia” in Action

Posted: April 28, 2024 by datechguy in culture
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One of the favorite charges of the left against the right when we warn about radical Islam ( or as others would phrase it: “Islam” ) are charges of “Islamophobia”.

Adding “phobia” to the end of words has been a cottage industry for the left to attack any person who disagrees with them. Don’t want drag queens twerking at kids you’re “Transphobic”, etc etc etc It’s gotten so bad that at a school in my own state, a trans kid was found with a hit list and is being allowed to stay in school and parents and students who object are being hit in this way.

But from the moment we discovered the idents of the men who put jets into the twin towers the left has trotted out the term “Islamophobia” for anyone who raises any objection to terrorist actions perpetuated by the Religion of PeaceTM which suggests that any fear of radical Islam is unfounded. This is despite the fact that in the month of March of this year alone there were over 150 terror attacks by Muslims in 22 different countries that killed 772 and wounded 668 which included 7 suicide attacks. They are part of the 45,160 deadly attacks since Sept 11th 2001 that they have perpetuated.

What I find particularly amusing about these charges of “Islamophobia” (which has since become such a common word that it now appears in auto-corrects) is that while they are generally leveled by the left against the right the single best examples of it today are in fact on the left among people of the left that are in authority.

Take the campus “protests” and “occupations” taking place all over the US. In states where the right are in power the law is being enforced and any such protests are not allowed to cross legal lines without consequences and even beyond the campus when such “protestors” supporting the genocidal Islamic terror group Hamas attempt to block streets not only are they arrested but there are laws in some states that allow drivers who are blocked by such protestors to continue driving putting all the risks of being in the road on them.

Yet in blue states such protests are allowed to block major throughways with little or no consequences to the point were police are ordered to protect such folks from angered drivers. Why? Because those in power are afraid of said protestors targeting them and fear for their own safety if they do.

In other words they have a “phobia” of these people protesting in the name of Islam.

“But DaTechGuy” you counter. “Isn’t this just the Democrats trying to appease angry Muslims in Michigan in order to keep Trump from winning the state?”

That’s a fair point, although one might call that a “phobia” too but it doesn’t explain what is happening in England where police have actually detained Jews for being openly Jewish on public streets while “protestors” violate existing laws on assembly and speech while at the same time rigorously enforcing said laws on people who pray silently at abortion clinics or post an opinion online that the left finds offensive.

That doesn’t have anything to do with the election in America, that has to do with the Brits knowing that if they confront terror supporters they will fight back violently because they didn’t heed the warnings of those who said such folks are a danger to let in.

In short if you want to look at people who are suffering from “Islamophobia” look at our friends on the left because this fear is driving their inaction all over the world, and most importantly, despite the use of the term in question this fear is entirely rational.

…alas this is reality in the west in 2024:

This is an example of actual “islamophobia” that exists is among governments like England and colleges in the US who are terrified that if they stand up to those who support the mass murder of Jews, people that they’ve lionized and protected as “oppressed” they would face violence themselves from those very same people.

It’s is that fear that illustrates they know the actual reality and are too cowed to deal with it.

As a person who enjoys the study of history it’s rather fascinating to watch a society decaying and falling due to suicide which is the cause of the fall of every republic in history.

It’s in fact a lot less interesting when you are watching it happen while living within it.

Frank Perconte: Hey this guy says he’s not a Nazi. All of Germany and I haven’t met one Nazi yet

Band of Brothers 2001

For a long time after World War Two there was an enduring myth that the French Resistance to the German occupation of their country was larger than it was. This myth was advanced for political reasons but the reality that nobody wanted to admit that the vast majority didn’t want to get involved as:

  • Finding basic necessities like food was a priority
  • It was a great way to get yourself killed
  • Until late in the war it seemed unlikely that the Nazi’s were going anywhere

In fact there was a great one line joke in France concerning the “resistance” that I first heard in the 1970’s I recall it went like this:

If everyone who claimed to be part of the [French] Resistance [to the Nazis] had been a member there would have been nobody left to collaborate [with the Germans].

This was similar to a phenom in Germany where you were hard pressed to find either:

  • A Nazi
  • or
  • Anyone who knew what the Nazi’s had done.

It brings to mind a scene in the movie Judgement at Nurenburg, not the famous one between Spencer Tracy & Marlene Dietrich but one where Spencer Tracy’s Character asks the servents at his house Mr. & Mrs. Halbestadt what it was like to live under National Socialism. After making a point of saying how apolitical they are he continues…

Judge Haywood: For instance, there was a place called Dachau… which was not too many miles from here. Did you ever know what was going on there?

Mrs. Halbestadt We knew nothing about it. How can you ask if we knew anything about that?

Judge Haywood: I’m sorry.

Mr Halbestadt: Your Honor, we are only little people. We lost a son in the army… and our daughter in the bombing. During the war we almost starved. It was terrible for us.

Judge Haywood: I’m sure it was.

Mrs. Halbestadt: Hitler did some good things. I won’t say he didn’t do some good things. He built the Autobahn. He gave more people work. We won’t say he didn’t do some good things. But the other things… the things they say he did to the Jews and the rest… we knew nothing about that. Very few Germans did.

Mr. Halbestadt: And if we did know… what could we do?

Judge Haywood: But Mrs. Halbestadt said you didn’t know.

Judgement at Nurenburg 1961

Apparently it was almost impossible to find anyone in Germany who knew anything that was happening at all.

And that brings us to the present day and US universities:

It’s been an ironic week in these expensive bastions of learning. These are places where identifying someone by the wrong pronoun can get you blacklisted but supporting Hamas as they rape women and behead children, that’s was fine:

Zach Kessel has documented statements of support for Hamas from groups at

  • George Washington University
  • NYU & NYU Law
  • Ohio State
  • Brandeis (of all places)
  • Georgetown
  • University of Virginia
  • Swarthmore
  • University of Illinois
  • University of Michigan Law School
  • Northwestern
  • Columbia
  • University of Chicago
  • Tufts
  • and of course Harvard

These folks were proud to stand with Hamas even when they were beheading babies, and then this happened:

followed by this:

and now this:

Fallout from a controversial statement published and initially signed by about 30 student groups at Harvard University continued Wednesday as two trucks circled Harvard Square for much of the day, featuring the names and photos of students linked to the statement.

The billboard trucks, funded by the conservative news group Accuracy in Media, featured LED screens that changed throughout the day to feature at least a half dozen Harvard students under the words, “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites.” The trucks also linked to a website,, which directs users to send messages to Harvard’s board of trustees.

“Tell them to take action against these despicable, hateful students,” the website reads. “Each and every one of these students should be expelled and their student organizations should be kicked off campus.”

And suddenly you have all kinds of Harvard students who where going to be lawyers are suddenly resigning from the student groups and/or claiming they never read the statements before they went out. To wit:

and this

This brings an obvious question:

As a commentator at Instapundit descried this sudden Volte faca

“The lesson is that luxury beliefs vanish the instant the luxury is threatened. How much of our fake politics would turn in an instant if we didn’t have institutional enforcement and narrative policing, and everyone just had to stand on their own behind their own thoughts? What if radical chic consistently cost something? What if tenured communists had risk?”

I predict that by the end of this week students at all of these schools will be saying this.

And by April or May of next year when students get ready to graduate or apply for internships all of these students at these universities will like Germans after 1946 insist they were not political, that they did not know about these student organization or their statements. By the time we get to 2025 there will be so many students and graduates who claim to have been opposed to the statements supporting Hamas there will scarcely have been enough students left to have drafted them.

But whatever happens make no mistake. It was the prospect of future lucrative careers being beheaded over those statements not the reality of Jewish babies being beheaded by Hamas that will be the sudden cause of these denials