Posts Tagged ‘trump derangement syndrome’

By John Ruberry

If you only have a minute and you want to know, in a nutshell, what the Netflix adaptation of Tom Wolfe’s novel from 1998, A Man in Full, is all about, here it is: The lead character, Atlanta businessman Charlie Croker, is Donald Trump–orange hair and all. Then throw in elements of the George Floyd and Rodney King stories and add an even more shocking ending than the one in Boogie Nights.

Earlier this month, Netflix started streaming the six-episode series, which stars Jeff Daniels and Diane Lane. 

Wolfe, who is my favorite writer, after a two-decade career in journalism, made a smooth transition into fiction with his first novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities. It encapsulates the boom years of 1980s–along with the mayhem of pre-Rudy Giuliani New York City. Three years later, the film version was released. It is godawful, starting with the miscasting of Tom Hanks in the lead role as “the Master of the Universe,” Sylvester McCoy. After I suffered through the movie, I said to myself, Vanities is a mini-series not a two-hour movie.

I had hopes, misguided ones it turns out, that A Man in Full would be better, because it is a mini-series. Adding to my anticipation was Netflix streaming last year the insightful documentary, Radical Wolfe.

As A Man in Full begins, Charlie Croker (Daniels) is celebrating his 60th birthday at a party with Shania Twain entertaining his friends, family, and business associates. Two of those guests are executives from PlannersBanc, his principal lender, Raymond Peepgrass (Tom Pelphrey) and Harry Zale (Bill Camp). While it appears that Croker is an Atlanta version of a Master of the Universe, he’s broke–Charlie owes PlannersBanc $600 million. He’s overextended with other lenders too. Peepgrass and Zale want to carve up Croker’s empire, starting with his quail hunting plantation and his corporate jet. A rescue is offered by the mayor of Atlanta, Wes Jordan (William Jackson Harper), who is campaigning for reelection, and Croker’s attorney, Roger White (Aml Ameen). But to save his neck, Croker will have to betray his former Georgia Tech football teammate, Norman Bagovitch (John Lacy), who is running against Jordan.

Bagovitch–wait for it–decries the status of the white male in his campaign. Jordan is Black.

David E. Kelley wrote the script, and he should be ashamed. No serious candidate for public office would campaign on such bigoted idiocy. And in Atlanta?!? Why does Kelley insult his audience?  

Oh yeah, he wants to demonize Trump. Orange Croker Bad. Oops, I mean Orange Man Bad.

Joyce Newman (Lucy Liu) is an alleged victim of a sexual assault from Bagovitch. In the book, well, let’s just say there is fear of a race riot because of the racial angle of that alleged rape.

Wolfe, brilliantly in my opinion, centered much of his plot on racial contrast and conflict, but also on Croker being an anachronism. The series is set in 2024, but events in the book take place a quarter of a century earlier. Croker, nicknamed the 60 Minute Man because he starred on offense and defense for Georgia Tech, played a lead role for a national championship Yellowjackets team, at a time when major college sports teams in the South were not integrated. Croker came of age just as the civil rights protests were picking up steam, and when Jim Crow laws were still in force in Georgia and other southern states. The world changed, but Croker, not so much. Sure, of course Croker in the novel knew blacks had equal rights, but they still belonged– and I’m not endorsing his sentiment–“in their place.”

Kelley, and the directors, eliminates that angle by turning Croker into Trump. He even does away with Charlie’s redemption in Wolfe’s novel.

There’s even a climate change dig included in the series. I mean, why not?

As Croker, Daniels, who is usually very good, is an embarrassment, beginning with his overwrought Foghorn Leghorn southern accent and his Trump-sized abdominal paunch. On the other hand, Diane Lane, as Charlie’s first wife, shines. I had the pleasure of seeing her at Chicago’s Goodman Theatre in Tennessee Williams’ Sweet Bird of Youth a decade ago.

Wolfe’s novel is over 700 pages long, so it’s understandable that some storylines are condensed. 

For instance, Conrad Hensley in the book is the child of worthless white hippies who, in spite of them, still manages to develop a strong moral compass. He works for Croker Foods in the East Bay area of California Hensley’s life, like Charlie’s, collapses. He ends up on the wrong side of the law after he violently tries to retrieve his towed car. By the way, anyone who has had his car towed and is forced to pay usurious fees to retrieve it, will sympathize with Hensley. In the series Hensley (Jan Michael Hill) is Black, and well, I already mentioned Rodney King and George Floyd. 

The subplot with Peepgrass and Martha Croker remains, with the Boogie Nights twist added. If you crave more details on that, click on this Daily Mail link.

Oh, the Crokers’ son, Wally (Evan Roe), sure looks a lot like Barron Trump in the series. 

Astonishingly, Trump-hating Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis doesn’t appear here. Maybe she was on a cruise with Nathan Wade during filming.

I guess I needed to suffer for some forgotten sins, because I endured all six episodes of A Man in Full. Of the other Netflix series that I punished myself with, in full, only The Pentaverate and Vikings: Valhalla were worse.

On the flipside, the cinematography for A Man in Full is sharp–Atlanta never looked so good. The soundtrack, compiled by Craig DeLeon, is spectacular, it’s as splendid as the best work of T-Bone Burnett. Keep an eye on DeLeon.

Wolfe, who died in 2018, didn’t like The Bonfire of the Vanities film. I don’t think he’d care for the series based on A Man in Full either.

I hated it.

A Man in Full is currently streaming on Netflix. It is rated TV-MA for violence, foul language, sex, and nudity.

John Ruberry regularly blogs at Marathon Pundit.

You might recall that when ranking Donald Trump as the 4th best president of all time it was really a question of him vs Teddy Roosevelt who I consider Trump the most like in terms of temperament and effectiveness. TR also had a reputation for physical fitness and mental acuity which Trump also processes and was loved by the common people while hated by many of the elites.

That was best illustrated to me on a trip to Lancaster County PA a few years back for the a Catholic Marketing Network event when a waitress was simply enthralled by the idea that I had met Trump and he had publicly complemented me on my reporting (you’d be surprised at how many doors that closed for me over the years, I sure was at the time.) Given Trump’s success as president that type of admiration is not odd and even justified.

What I object to and still object to has been the almost messianic worship of Trump to the point where if you merely treat him as an effective ex-president or as a candidate to consider for re-election you are not considered sufficiently worthy.. I suspect this is one of the reasons why my friend that I wrote about this week has said in no uncertain terms that however bad Biden is he will not be voting Trump. (I strongly disagree with his position). Some of his followers take this to absurd lengths and frankly it’s reached the point were it’s a violation of the 1st commandment.

That being said let’s cut to the chase. I submit and suggest that a lot of people would not be treating Donald J. Trump as their messiah or a messiah and an object of worship if the left in general and the Biden Justice Department and the various deep blue states did not insist on treating some of his supporters like the early Christian martyrs and trying to publicly crucifying Trump himself for our sin of supporting him and electing him in 2016.

The treatment of Donald Trump has been beyond anything I’ve seen in my lifetime and the irrational hatred of him and the bending of judicial rules and changing of laws in an attempt to destroy him is a disgrace to the republic. The folks at flopping Aces who are declaring the Trump-Carrol case “The biggest miscarriage of Justice in Modern American History” are not far off. I’m rather sure if they could get away with killing him they would. Seriously we’ve reach the point were someone protesting his innocence is considered defamation? Please.

People see how Trump is being treated for his actions which have been in support of the American People and they react viscerally. If Trump was treated like the normal president that he governed as none of this would be the case and frankly if the last election had not been stolen we would be seeing the back of him at the end of this year and those who hate him would be done with him.

That is the source of the over the top Trump worship I see. I understand the source of it. Trump could have led an easy and comfortable life but he decided to fight because he loves America. He came at the right time at the right place to make a difference and the country should be grateful for it, but for me that doesn’t include taking a knee.

As I’ve already noted I’ll be happy to vote for Trump in the general and with DeSantis out will vote for him in the primary as he was my 2nd choice but if anyone expects anything beyond that let me repeat what I I already have already said to those who feel I am not sufficiently adoring of him: “I’m voting for a President, I already have a God.”

“First we must cross the river,” Benito was saying.  “Do you believe me now when I tell you that you must not attempt to swim it, or even get wet from it, or must you try that too?”

“What happens if I just dive in?”

“Then you will be as you were in the bottle.  Aware and unable to move.  but it will be very cold, and very uncomfortable, and you will be there for all eternity knowing that you put yourself there.”

Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle Inferno 1976

Lately we’ve been seeing a lot of posts about Democrat panic as things continue to get worse in the country and more and more of what the left has been doing continues to come out.

But then actual reality slips in and that’s when you get nailed:

Bonchie at red state puts it in perspective:

The GOP challenger was James Guzofski, a local pastor who once proclaimed from the pulpit that the prophets told him Trump won the 2020 election. He lost by 12 points in a district that current Republican Gov. Chris Sununu won by 22 points. In other words, this wasn’t some long-shot blue district. This was a district the GOP was supposed to easily compete in, if not be favored to win outright. 

Moreover this puts the GOP majority in the house on a knife edge:

There are now 198 Republicans, 197 Democrats, two Independents, and three vacant seats in the state House.

Now you would think that going into an election with a 2 seat majority in a 400 member house the state GOP would have been all in concerning this election.

It was not.

There are several lessons here the first is this:

It doesn’t matter what the national pols are saying, if you are losing districts like this, that you absolutely have to win then you aren’t going anywhere.

People can get excited by Biden’s falling poll numbers all they want but if you can’t win a seat like this it those numbers are meaningless.

But more important consider this:

Guzofski is a Northwood selectman and a chaplain for the Northwood Fire Department. He has been in the ministry for 34 years. Guzofski said, “I have been elected twice to the office of selectman in Northwood dedicated to keep your taxes low. As selectman I have implemented plans for better communication between town officials and you. … For years I have served our Nottingham and Northwood community, fighting for your needs in town.”

Sounds like a person who is well known in the area and might have plenty of local pull particularly in a district where there former rep was a republican and the republican governor won by 22 points. But there is also the youtube video of him proclaiming from the pulpit that the prophets told him that Trump won the 2020 election.

Now it’s one thing to believe that election 2020 was stolen based on the evidence as I do, it’s another to proclaim that the prophets told you that Trump won in 2020.

One might think that the saints might be more interested in the state of a person’s soul vs the results of a national election but let’s stay on topic a sec.

How many voters who voted GOP in the past looked at that video and bluntly told themselves: “I don’t want this loony at the state house?” I’m guessing more than the 331 votes margin he lost by.

What does that tell me? Just this:

It doesn’t matter how many people show up at rallies in deep red states or just how inept Joe Biden is, there is a portion of the GOP vote that simply will NOT vote for Donald Trump or people associated with him and no amount of national polling or wishful thinking or saying how foolish this is will change that.

And it’s worth remembering this fellow had a long local footprint. He was the fire department chaplin, he was a local selectman he is known in the community but that didn’t matter. There are those who simply will not vote for a Trump associated candidate no matter how much of a local footprint he has:

I wish this was not true, but wishing that it’s not true or saying how unfair it is doesn’t change things.

I’ll give Bonchie the last word:

I may not be that smart, but I’m capable of learning from past mistakes, and I’m not going to blow smoke up anyone’s backside and suggest this special election result doesn’t matter. Clearly, given what happened in 2022 with special elections, it matters, and if something doesn’t change quickly among the Republican electorate, 2024 is going to be another swift kick in the teeth. 

Supposedly this week the NYC DA is going to file charges against Donald Trump concerning the Stormy Daniels Business.

That this was already passed on by previous ambitions DA’s and that the charges even in liberal NY will have a very hard time sticking is not relevant. This is what Soros is paying for and if nothing else the DA’s and Secretaries of State that he has invested millions into over the last two decades have stayed bought.

It will be a fundamental change in American Jurisprudence and not in a good way.

The amount of pixels that are being generated is staggering and several theories have been advanced as to why this and why now. The two best that I’ve heard are this:

NY City is rapidly approaching Snake Plissken territory as actual dangerous criminals are let free to walk so it might be a good Squirrel moment not just for Biden and the dems but for the local DA as well who is making NY safe for the criminal class again.

and this from Matt Walsh via Instapundit:

Many predict that this move will backfire dramatically on the Democrats.

“If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory,” Elon Musk tweeted in response to a report about Trump’s potential pending arrest.

He’s not alone in thinking this way. “If they handcuff Trump, he is your next president,” Scott Adams predicts.

Trump Defense Lawyer Joe Tacopina agrees. “I believe this will catapult him into the White House.”

Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire has another theory. “They want Trump to be the Republican nominee,” Walsh tweeted Saturday, referring to the Democrats. “That’s obviously the play here. There is no other conceivable reason to arrest and perp walk him on a bulls—t misdemeanor charge. I might be overestimating the tactical intelligence of the idiot power-hungry hacks behind this. But if there is any political strategy then that has to be it.”

I seem to recall they really wanted to run against Trump in 2016 and that didn’t work out so well for them.

I must say that I have to disagree with both Scott Adams and Elon Musk here in terms of the electoral effect.

The Trump voter is already highly motivated and this move isn’t going to make him any less motivated.

The GOP voter who doesn’t like Trump while seeing this as an injustice will not see it as a plus to vote him in after this.

And the people who don’t pay attention will shrug as they do not care.

More importantly as long as the Soros Dems are controlling the counts in Arizona, and PA, and Michigan and Wisconsin its not going to matter even if it means millions of more votes for Trump, because they’ll create millions more plus one at 1 AM as they did before.

The irony here is that the leftists who hate Trump would have been almost done with him if they didn’t bother to steal the last election. He would be in the final two years of his lame duck period which would have been quite a spectacle had they just played by the rules.

But I’m convinced that Trump is a money raiser for them even more than Pelosi & Obama were for the right. There are rich leftist, particularly in Hollywood who will practically pour out their wallets at the sound of his name.

Believe me every just like 10 years ago every Republican’s was Hitler to them every GOP candidate will be considered “Trump” or “Worse than Trump” for decades after he is dead and gone.

Remember it’s all about generating generational wealth for these guys. That’s the game.

Finally if I’m a Democrat office holder I’d be rather scared by all of this.

There are plenty of deep red states out there and plenty of very angry voters in such states. If I’m an ambitious GOP lawyer who wants to make a name for him or her self and generate giant fundraising money all I have to do is run in one of those deep red states and promise to look into high level national Democrats and do to them what is now being done to Trump.

Imagine if DeSantis decides to start opening up these kind of investigations. Pitcher Sarah Sanders doing the same in Arkansas, or Glenn Younkin’s Virginia going in that direction. Unless as a democrat you’re squeaky clean (sorry if you were drinking when reading that last sentence) this will now put a bullseye on your back that there will be plenty of office holders now and in the future to use this precedent against you.

Mitch McConnell once warned Harry Reid that his shenanigans on the filibuster would come back to haunt the left and sooner than they think. I suspect the same will come of this.

They really should have thought about that if they decide to go forward with this.