Archive for January 26, 2011

By an odd coincidence just as my hits are way up the Pope warns me all that glitters are not hits:

Pope Benedict XVI told Catholic bloggers and Facebook and YouTube users Monday to be respectful of others when spreading the Gospel online and not to see their ultimate goal as getting as many online hits as possible.

Echoing concerns in the U.S. about the need to root out online vitriol, Benedict called for the faithful to adopt a “Christian style presence” online that is responsible, honest and discreet

When you are a public Catholic it is important to act like one, particularly if you call out other public Catholics who don’t.

In addition he warns of making a virtual reality for oneself:

“It is important always to remember that virtual contact cannot and must not take the place of direct human contact with people at every level of our lives,” Benedict said in the message for the Catholic Church’s World Day of Communications.

He urged users of social networks to ask themselves “Who is my ‘neighbor’ in this new world?” and avoid the danger of always being available online but being “less present to those whom we encounter in our everyday life.”

It reminds me of Screwtape #6 to wit:

Do what you will, there is going to be some benevolence, as well as some malice, in your patient’s soul. The great thing is to direct the malice to his immediate neighbors whom he meets every day and to thrust his benevolence out to the remote circumference, to people he does not know. The malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely imaginary.and the theory where to put things

The Pope’s full message is here.

Hope to see enough to form two teams but one would be a start

Libertarian Leanings notes this message from the NYT

…one thing seems clear to Ms. Stolberg. The public is deeply confused and should be ignored as this debate goes forward. Americans hardly ever know what’s good for them, so often voting against their own best interests. Didn’t they just do it again when they put a Republican majority in the House of Representatives last fall? It would hardly do to consider anything so unreliable as American public opinion when government programs may be at stake. If there are any besides Medicare and Social Security.

Yeah who needs the people in a representative republic.

This actually is part of a theme where every liberal outlet is calling for republicans to announce their cuts in Medicare and social security. This has been constant since the election. The line is basically “if they don’t cut social security or medicare then they are not serious”.

This way they can minimize any cuts they have already announced. Of course if any such cuts come then it will be all about the mean republicans hurting seniors. The moment any such cut comes watch the media turn on a dime. For Example:

GOP leaders may talk tough about deficits and federal spending, but their proposed cuts assiduously avoid any mention of Pentagon programs, Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security. Since those programs, along with interest payments, consume most of the federal budget, that means Washington politicians will keep fiddling while Rome burns.

Let’s be clear, entitlement cuts ARE necessary and I have no problem moving the retirement age up two years for anyone born after 1960 (that includes me btw) but expect this to be the MSM meme right up until it happens.

Blog reaction to the speech

Posted: January 26, 2011 by datechguy in blogs, opinion/news, special events
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I purposely avoided the blog reaction to the speech to see how the MSM was going to try to spin this unfiltered. Now that I see that even MSNBC considered the speech so bad that they aren’t even trying to spin it. Let’s look at the blogs:

Gateway Pundit:

Frank Luntz’s focus group gave Obama failing marks on this State of the Union Address tonight. The Atlanta focus group agreed that the nation was not out of its recession.

They also didn’t trust Obama at all on cutting the deficit… Maybe because he talked about increasing spending out of the other side of his mouth at the same time?

Stacy McCain ignored it
(great minds think alike) but the photo of John McCain standing and applauding with John Kerry sitting down says volumes.

Neoneocon: “Sputnik! That’ll pull the young folks in. ”

Vodkapundit: A sample of his drunk blogging

6:47PM OK, here come the spending cuts… [CRICKETS]

6:49PM Freeze domestic spending for five years. That would freeze it at current levels. That’s not a cut. That’s not savings. That’s locking in four years of orgiastic spending.

Oh, except for some military cuts he finds “painful.” Boo-hoo.

6:50PM Don’t cut our investments! They’re investments! I swear! Listen: If you want investments, then stop taxing investors so much and let them do their thing.

Legal Insurrection has the best one liner: “A million points of Trite!

Htothedizzle didn’t mention the speech but is still saying nice things about the radio show. God love her.

Josh Trevino (who I still owe a drink to) has another great Tweet:

After invoking the specter of Sputnik, the President boards Marine One with friends Richie Valens, Buddy Holly, and Joe “Big Bopper” Biden.

Lonely Conservative: Obama Calls for Sputnik Moment a Year After Cutting NASA

Patterico was offended:

He said it in the prepared text and in the speech itself:

The bipartisan Fiscal Commission I created last year made this crystal clear. I don’t agree with all their proposals, but they made important progress. And their conclusion is that the only way to tackle our deficit is to cut excessive spending wherever we find it – in domestic spending, defense spending, health care spending, and spending through tax breaks and loopholes.

(emphasis added).

You got that? When you are allowed to keep your money, that is considered “spending” by the Federal Government. Because in reality all of the fruits of your labor belong to us, the government.

Ace is confused by the CBS poll:

I don’t know. I’m having trouble understanding how the most listless, incoherent and transparently deceptive SOTU I’ve heard managed to please 92% of its audience.

Easy because that’s the same network that told you only 86k showed up for the Beck Rally