Archive for January 10, 2011

Yesterday it was announced a great American, Dick Winters Major of Easy Company, Normandy vet and the commander of the 101st airborne paratroopers who were immortalized as the “band of brothers” died at the age of 92.

As a gentleman of advanced age whose past was well known it is very likely that the majority of his obituary was written quite a while ago with a few things added to cover any new events that might have happened. This is quite normal when a narrative is already known.

When I look at the media reaction in Arizona it is plain that the obituaries of those who were killed were written a long time ago.

The left has been writing the narrative that the tea party is a violent extremist group and that Sarah Palin is toxic. The have attempted and failed over and over to paint the tea party as racists, bigots, gun nuts and people outside the mainstream of political thought. As their failure became plain they took comfort that, although the public didn’t understand how dangerous the Tea Party is they did and sooner or later something would happen to prove it.

So their commentaries and their stories lay dormant until a suitable event could come around an event that would reverse their fortunes and be, as described in Time: Barack Obama’s Oklahoma City moment.

When Jared Loughner fired his shots on Saturday Liberal pundits were sure they have their story. The person shot was a democrat who voted for Obamacare, he lived in a state where the gun laws were loose, and her opponent was a tea party favorite, it HAD to be true.

So the media pulled out their obits, filled in the blank names and told their story confident that events would prove it true.

Alas what a difference 48 hours makes, from the accusations of the shooter being a military vet to his connection to tea party rhetoric, each meme collapsed under the weight of facts until they were reduced to pointing to maps and and trying to restrain “both sides”.

Simple mathematics suggest that if you bet on a a particular number on a roulette wheel continually sooner or later it will come up, however if it comes up after you have lost over and over again, it is not proof of your gambling prowess.

Likewise the left will pull back and keep their obituary columns in reserve waiting for that one moment to bring them out again as a weapon, and they will prove just as wise as the gambler above.

Update: Stacy Links and irony of ironies includes a picture of him in my well traveled fedora at the wheel in Vegas.

“Introspection” was one of those MSNBC drinking-game words yesterday — evidently they got the memo from Paul Begala — and yet it never occurs to people like that to look inside themselves and question the root causes of their anti-Republican, anti-conservative, anti-Tea Party prejudices.

As I sit here this morning, with my office TV tuned to MSNBC, Joe Scarborough is rambling on about Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachmann and Fox News. No matter how wrong his liberal friends have been, Joe knows in his heart that liberals aren’t the problem. No, the real problem is those Republicans who have stubbornly refused to recognize the moral superiority of Joe Scarborough.

Just bet on black one more time, Joe. Your lucky number is way overdue. And you’ve only got to be right once.

(Hope my fedora did well in Vegas) Also included some fixes in grammar.

Update 2: Instalanche, hi guys take a peek around and don’t forget Glenn will be the guest on my radio show DaTechGuy on DaRadio this Saturday at 9:00 p.m. on WCRN AM 830 in Worcester 50,000 Watts reaching all of New England and beyond. (There is still a little ad time left as well). and if you are a NE Blogger join me tonight for a bloggers meeting at Linguini’s Italian Eatery route 20 Marlborough (take the route 20 west exit off 495) tonight at 7 p.m. to talk about a few things.

Update 3: Welcome Hillbuzz readers, you might be interested in my examiner column of today. Money quote:

The shooter in Arizona will likely cop an insanity plea for his actions. No word if the left will do the same for theirs.

Running late again this month so let me give a found farewell to are blogs of the month for last month. Holysmoke, DaScienceGuy and SISU.

This month we have Katy’s conservative corner. She Joins into the debate on the Giffords shooting thus:

The Associated Press reported on Sunday morning that, despite the fact that this person had been turned down by the US Army for enlistment, had dropped out of high school, and been kicked out of his community college, somehow Sarah Palin was to be blamed.

Katy wishes congresswoman Giffords a speedy recovery.

Our next pick is Tim Blair who is always a pleasure to read he has spoken on the Giffords shooting but you will enjoy this global warming post more:

Doomstruck US scientist James Hansen essentially launched the modern global warming movement with his 1988 testimony before Congress. Batting on a friendly pitch and facing only the softest of attacks, Hansen scored easy runs and has remained in the opening slot ever since.

Against more probing questions, Hansen is prone to wild slogging. In 2009 he was forcibly removed from the crease during an anti-coal demonstration outside the White House and later that year called for a carbon tax equivalent to one dollar per US gallon of petrol.

Hansen’s opening partner, US panic merchant Bill McKibben, wrote one of the earliest books on global warming and continues writing books on the same subject, hoping that one day they’ll be read. Currently campaigning to have Earth re-named as Eaarth. Seriously.

He is using Cricket imagery and the whole post is a ton of fun.

Finally we bring on Dr. Sanity who has a gem on an e-mail he received in reaction to the Giffords shooting:

It takes a truly ‘sick’ person, in every philosophical/moral/spiritual and ethical sense of the word to say that such an ill person’s motivations are the exact motivations of those with whom they happen to disagree.

I have been treating schizophrenic patients for almost 35 years now. The point is that their illness impairs their cognitive functioning. Schizophrenics have a biological cause for their dysfunction.

I wonder what my emailer’s excuse for his behavior is?

I suspect it derives from the voluntary suspension of his cognitive functioning in order to maintain a certain worldview or ideology that explains a disturbing reality he does not want to face.

I think we can take the word “suspect” out of it.

Don’t ignore the story in Sudan

Posted: January 10, 2011 by datechguy in opinion/news
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The Washington Post and NPR both covered this story this weekend (and Stacy hit it with a joke) but this is a story that will have repercussions for decades and should not be ignored.

The Christian black south have long been oppressed by the Muslim Arab north (Simon Deng can tell you a bit about that). If the separation can be done peacefully it will be a major achievement.

I took an unexpectedly long nap and ended up awake at midnight, looking around the net I saw this via Lisa Graas:

Is it just me, or is there an incredible lack of reason on the Left?

Incidentally, the way I found out about the shooting was through an avalanche of tweets calling Sarah Palin a ‘murderer’. I was even called a murderer for asking people not to point fingers of blame. There is certainly ‘vitriol’…..but it’s not coming from the direction the Left claims.

For two days I’ve been seeing people hurling the vilest accusations at the Tea party in general and Sarah Palin in particular without any factual basis. And if that isn’t enough everyone’s favorite Democratic Pastor Fred Phelps plans on jumping into the fray..

Phelps praises Loughner’s violent acts in this video, where he announces he will be taking his sick protest to the funerals of the victims of the Arizona shooting spree. He also refers to Loughner as an Afghanistan war veteran, even though initial reports of Loughner being a veteran turned out to be false.

It’s pretty bad, almost as bad as this reaction to the murder of another poll half a world away:

Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched in Pakistan’s largest city on Sunday to oppose any change to national blasphemy laws and to praise a man charged with murdering a provincial governor who had campaigned against the divisive legislation.

The rally of up to 50,000 people in downtown Karachi was one of the largest demonstrations of support for the laws, which make insulting Islam a capital offense. It was organized before the governor of Punjab province, Salman Taseer, was shot dead on Tuesday in Islamabad by a bodyguard who told a court he considered Taseer a blasphemer.

Muslim groups have praised the bodyguard, Mumtaz Qadri, and have used Taseer’s death to warn others not to speak out against the much-derided laws.

Now what does a group of religions fanatics Pious Muslims marching have to do with the left?

Simply this. The Governor of Punjab by challenging his fellow Muslim’s belief was a threat to their mind-set. It’s much easier to eliminate people who challenge your religious beliefs than to defend those beliefs, much less thinking involved.

When I look at the left willing to blame Sarah Palin, Andrew Breitbart, the Tea Party and even Lisa Graas for inciting violence while both using violent rhetoric and ignoring their own violent rhetoric in the past the pieces fit together.

The left secular political beliefs have essentially morphed into a religion. The right feelings and opinions are the sacraments (much easier than having to follow actual commandments like traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs) if you have them you are considered righteous.

Conversely if you don’t share those beliefs you are outside, you are the devil and evil, and since you are evil any level of vitriolic rhetoric or action is permissible. Rather than praying for your enemies as Christianity commands one can hate them openly and feel good about it.

This is why above all Sarah Palin is their Anti-Christ. She symbolizes all that they hate, she is a person of action who lives her beliefs and does so publicly and unabashedly. She is a reminder of a reality that their religion needs to suppress. Screwtape 13 had it pegged:

The characteristic of Pains and Pleasures is that they are unmistakably real, and therefore, as far as they go, give the man who feels them a touchstone of reality. Thus if you had been trying to damn your man by the Romantic method—by making him a kind of Childe Harold or Werther submerged in self-pity for imaginary distresses—you would try to protect him at all costs from any real pain; because, of course, five minutes’ genuine toothache would reveal the romantic sorrows for the nonsense they were and unmask your whole stratagem.
But you were trying to damn your patient by the World, that is by palming off vanity, bustle, irony, and expensive tedium as pleasures. How can you have
failed to see that a real pleasure was the last thing you ought to have let him meet? Didn’t you foresee that it would just kill by contrast all the trumpery which you have been so laboriously teaching him to value?

This is why the right in general and Sarah Palin in particular must be attacked here. Every moment that she is not brings the possibility that realization might strike, that the superficial might be replaced by a foundation in reality and that reality is anathema to all that has come before.

Today Elizabeth Scalia asks the question what is wrong with the world. Chesterton’s spectacular Catholic Answer was “I am” and thus stove to change and improve himself. A great example to all Christians in general and Catholics in particular but self-realization is a tough and painful process and many don’t want to face it. Much easier to carry on confident in one perfection.

Until those on the left can come to Chesterton’s answer and work to correct it we will see more of the same. Remember screwtapes final warning:

The great thing is to prevent his doing anything. As long as he does not convert it into action, it does not matter how much he thinks about this new repentance. Let the little brute wallow in it. Let him, if he has any bent that way, write a book about it; that is often an excellent way of sterilizing the seeds which the Enemy plants in a human soul. Let him do anything but act. No amount of piety in his imagination and affections will harm us if we can keep it out of his will. As one of the humans has said, active habits are strengthened by repetition but passive ones are weakened. The more often he feels without acting, the less he will be able ever to act, and, in the long run, the less he will be able to feel,