Archive for September, 2010

Some Good News from The Carmelite

Posted: September 30, 2010 by datechguy in catholic
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She has had a real rough time but a little bit of good news has turned up:

Join me in giving thanks and praise to God Most High! today I was accepted into Graduate School at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, MA! I will be working on my Master’s in Pastoral Ministry for Laity….

More than ever I need your support — with prayers and with anything you can donate toward my tuition…the college told me to leave it all in God’s hands…

I can tell you there is absolutely no comparison between my situation and hers and anything you can do to give her a hand either via cash or via prayer would be a blessing.

If you want to get another sample of DaTechGuy on DaRadio tune into WCRN 830 A.M Conservatively speaking from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

and if you aren’t in range of it’s 50,000 watts of awesomeness you can listen live here.

Make sure you call in to make us feel welcome from wherever you happen to be at (508)-438-0965

See you then.

Well I’ll tell you he is apparently so scared that 48 hours after this picture…

The perfect setting

…of the only John Olver sign I’ve seen in town went up. His guys felt compelled to take it down:

The Sign is gone

Here is the video I shot today:

In case you forget here is the video from before:

Yesterday on twitter I was talking to someone called Loud Liberal who said the following:

I’d give you 10 to 1 odds that Olver wins.


Bill Gunn can consider his campaign a HUGE success if he gets 30% of the vote.

Let me tell you this: If John Olver’s campaign is so worried that about two photos and a couple of youtube videos from a blogger in a hat that his guys have to pull the only sign I see in town then perhaps Bill Gunn is not the one who might be lucky to get 30% in November.

On January 20th the day after the Scott Brown Election, commenting on the arrogance of the defeated Democrats for the electorate I wrote this:

If the GOP doesn’t take advantage of this foolishness it’s only because they are not trying.

Well the Massachusetts GOP tried so hard that they didn’t even bother to run a candidate against the vulnerable Coakley. If it hadn’t been for Jim McKenna’s write-in campaign she would be sailing to re-election
Today at National Review ObiWan again used a military metaphor:

Jim: Generally, what should the Republicans be doing?

Obi-Wan: Avoid the saddest mistake that’s made in conflict – McClellan at Antietam, Mead at Gettysburg, or the Falaise Gap in WWII, or not letting Patton go for the Siegfried Line before that terrible winter and most of our casualties in Europe. Experts lack imagination and can’t seize the chance for Cannae-like victory.

Can you imagine with all the ethical vulnerabilities you have been showing about Schumer – not to mention that he’s more a symbol of this Congress than anyone and he’s got pretty unimpressive numbers – the GOP is not even mounting a campaign against him?

That the trick Attack Attack Attack

The Democrats have been under siege (ala Petersburg) defending unpopular policies that republicans have been nailing them on, first slowly then finally breaking through their flanks on both left and right. They are fleeing this president in the same way as the Confederates were fleeing Grant. This Mosque is one issue that the President has decided to stop and fight on as did the Confederates at Sayler’s Creek. Sheridan had the right answer saying: “Go Right through them, they are demoralized as hell.”

And as Stacy points out it’s not just timidness it’s not knowing where the fight actually is:

Nothing illustrates the disconnect between money and brains in the GOP than a fact highlighted by Jimmie Bise: Charlie Crist raised $4.3 million in a single three-month period of 2009.

The more I think about that, the angrier I get. Who were these more-money-than-brains people who wrote those checks for Crist? Did they just take the word of John Cornyn and Jim Greer that Crist was the man to beat in the Florida GOP Senate primary?

A fool and his money are soon parted, and there are times when the Republican Party resembles nothing so much as a scam for separating rich fools from their money.

For $4.3 million, you could have paid 86 bloggers $50,000 a year.

As I have been living off of $27k a year unemployment the number is staggering but more important is that 86 bloggers putting up 6 posts a day could literally write a post about EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE RUNNING FOR CONGRESS EVERY SINGLE DAY.

If even half of said bloggers were on the road covering campaigns you could have fresh stories that come direct from the districts boosting said candidates rather than the MSM stories attacking them coming from Washington. What kind of Stories? Well how about reports from candidate forums Georgia or Profiles of candidates in Maryland or interviews with candidates in NC and California or reports direct from Alaska.

These kind of reports, positive reports coming out on a daily basis keep the opposition demoralized, instead of being able to force us to play on their field.

and the last warning comes from Glenn Reynolds and reader:

But if the GOP establishment fights us to the end, then it will take an actual third-party to engage the public in transforming our political system. That will take much more time, and much more effort. And it will be a bloody mess (hopefully only figuratively! my biggest fear is otherwise) for years as we clean up the pieces of the train wreck they have driven us into.

Indeed. As I’ve warned before, if the GOP retakes Congress and then blows it, we’re likely to see not only a third-party Presidential challenge, but a lot of third-party challengers for Congressional seats.

It’s like Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares, you get one shot, don’t blow it.

Update: Yet another Instalanche! Thanks Glenn. Hi folks, since your last visit we have scared John Olver, been Scheduled Saturday for another guest appearance on WCRN from 2-4 p.m. and should have a new Examiner column up before I hit the sack. Update: My examiner article Will the voters buy the One Nation timeshare is now up