Archive for September 27, 2010

How she has gone from 15 points down to 9 in six days with absolutely no positive media coverage by the MSM?

…than objecting to deifying a murderous communist dictator who has made his little island so wonderful that for decades people have risked drowning in the open ocean to escape it.

Yup sure is crazy congratulations Atlantic you figured out that stuff like this:

We are supposed to conclude that Cuba is no longer a threat to global stability and that Fidel is a reformed tyrant. But how believable is a guy whose revolution all but wiped out Cuba’s tiny Jewish community of 15,000, and who spent the past 50 years supporting the terrorism of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Syria, Libya and Iran? And how does Castro explain Venezuela, where Cuban intelligence agents run things, Iran is an ally and anti-Semitism has been state policy in recent years? Mr. Goldberg doesn’t go there with Fidel.

…doesn’t have any bearing on if Castro’s polemic against antisemitism is sincere. We don’t need the evidence we have the word of “the great man” Fidel!

I really should stop being surprised at the left constant love affair with communist dictators as Alberto de la Cruz puts it:

His sycophantic descriptions of a murderous monster turned loving teddy bear turns the stomach of all but the most ignorant.

It doesn’t turn my stomach, but it will make the day when this salt water version of the Berlin wall falls and the records are displayed even more embarrassed to those who have worshiped at its altar…

…if they are capable of embarrassment that is.

memeorandum thread here

A close second on the Irony scale? A Marxist, anarchist , atheist commenting on the morality of Martin Perez’s Harvard gift. The mind boggles.

Martha Coakley the gift that keeps on giving…

Posted: September 27, 2010 by datechguy in elections
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If I didn’t have to run to the airport right now I’d have a longer comment and post on this but for now all I have to say is BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAH

Coakley agreed to accept a campaign spending cap in return for a maximum of $75,000 in public campaign funds. She can spend no more than $625,000.

That might have been fine if her assumption about ballot opposition had been correct. It wasn’t. Two Republicans ran write-in campaigns for their party’s nomination for attorney general. The primary election winner was James McKenna, a former prosecutor now in private practice. Because McKenna got more than 10,000 votes, his name will be on the ballot for the general election, right there with Coakley’s. Not only will McKenna be on equal footing with Coakley, he won’t be subject to the campaign spending limit.

Jim got 27k plus votes, if you want to support him his site is here. My latest interview with him is here.

…the post and the photos of the place is here, but there is a story that I didn’t tell.

It’s not about the story in the news (I heard rumors of it but I there were just rumors and I was there to cover an election so I didn’t dig) but there was something more basic.

As I wrote I was given a tour of the church place:

I want to give the thanks are due for the tour that was arranged without notice. It is a big place and it took quite a bit of a very nice lady’s time in the afternoon to let us see it.

What I didn’t mention is I got there around lunch time, so I had to wait a bit before someone was available our tour (I was there with my pal Joey). So while Joey and I sat waiting I figured I’d continue to pray my daily rosary.

I’ve mentioned before that I like the rosary because you can pray 31 different intentions on a single rosary. For whatever reason at one point in my Rosary I drew a blank when trying to decide on an intention. So I figured hey I’m at a huge church the secretary is right there I’ll ask her if someone in particular needs prayer. So I went over and asked her and we had the following exchange:

Me: Excuse me a moment, I’d doing my rosary right now and was wondering if you knew of anyone that needs prayer?

Secretary: We all need prayers.

Me: Yes I know but is there anyone in particular that needs prayer?

Secretary: I can’t think of anyone sorry.

This church has over 10,000 people who attend services, a school for k-12. She takes calls all day from people and sees the visitors who come every day and she isn’t aware of a single person in the congregation who has need of prayers? Nobody at all?

What do you have a church for if not to pray for each other?

Let me tell you something if I’m a person attending this church I’d be a lot more worried about this than any sins of Eddie Long. Pastors come and pastors go, everybody sins, but if your church isn’t supporting each other in prayer then it’s not a temple of God.

Put it another way: At the gates when St. Peter asks “Did you pray for your neighbor?” I don’t think you want to answer: “No but my church has cool sculptures!”

I wouldn’t bring this up even now, but at New Birth the congregation right now is taking a hard look at their church and if this is where the congregation is when it comes to faith and prayer then this is a church is in a crisis bigger than they realize.

I ask my readers to pray both or Pastor Long and the congregation. On the Rosary I suggest offering decade 14 Carrying the Cross or Decade 18 The mystery of the Pentecost