Archive for November 30, 2022

God Mammon & Apple

Posted: November 30, 2022 by datechguy in Uncategorized

“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Matthew 6:24

The public be damned. I am working for my stockholders.

William H Vanderbilt

One of the things I’ve learned to dislike over the years is virtue signaling and the worst kind of virtue signaling comes from cooporations.

We saw a lot of this from tech companies, the whole “don’t be evil” BS and the like. It was all about feeling good about themselves as they made a buck they would be thinking like Bogart in Sabrina

But for many of these companies it’s not about what an industry can bring it’s about maxing out the profit and if that means playing ball with a place like China, well Apple is very happy to obligue:

Hidden in the update was a change that only applies to iPhones sold in mainland China: AirDrop can only be set to receive messages from everyone for 10 minutes, before switching off. There’s no longer a way to keep the “everyone” setting on permanently on Chinese iPhones. The change, first noticed by Chinese readers of 9to5Mac, doesn’t apply anywhere else.

In other words, Chinese iPhone users can’t do or say anything without the CCP knowing about it. Dissent can be quashed before it even starts. The Chinese people can be kept under the CCP’s thumb. And Apple is helping.

Now I have no problem with making a profit nor trying to maximize said profit, what bugs me is when Apple makes a big fuss about virtue, and hits they will pull out of Twitter because they don’t like Elon Musk’s way of doing things while at the same time helping Communist China crush dissent.

It insults my intelligence and it should insult yours.