Archive for November 12, 2022

Big Julie: I'm rollin' the whole thousand.  And to change my luck, I'm going to use my own dice.
Nathan Detroit:  Your own dice?
Big Julie: I had 'em made especially in Chicago.
Nathan Detroit:  I do not wish to seem petty, but may I have a look at those dice?[examines dice] But these dice ain't got no spots on 'em.  They're blank.
Big Julie:  I had the spots removed for luck. But I remember where the spots formerly were.
Nathan Detroit: You are going to roll blank dice and remember where the spots were?
Big Julie: Detroit... do you doubt my memory?
Guys and Dolls 1955

It’s Axiomatic to note that anything written by Jazz Shaw is worth your time and your consideration and this entry at Hot Air is particularly worthwhile

Some day, perhaps even sometime this year if we’re lucky, when election officials in Arizona finally find someone capable of mastering preschool mathematics and they finish counting their ballots, we may know the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections. But that day is not today, my friends. They are somehow still flummoxed by the task of gathering up hundreds of thousands of ballots and feeding them into machines of dubious efficacy. Meanwhile, a different set of election supervisors appears to be ready to move forward with a hand count of nearly all of the ballots. Those officials are facing threats from state Democrats, however. The liberals have gone to court and obtained an order to forbid any such action, though the ruling seems to defy the state’s election laws.

Nothing says “Anyone who thinks we steal elections in Arizona is a conspiracy theorist” then taking four days to not count ballots then going to count to make sure making sure the ballots can’t be hand. He quotes an AP story on the event and comments further:

Why would Democrats be so uniformly opposed to a hand count? What is the downside of doing it? When the “official” count as tallied by the machines is finished, they can release those results immediately. But even if it takes weeks to complete the hand count, those numbers could then be matched against the machine tally.

In what universe is that a bad thing? If the counts match up (or come within a reasonable margin of error that wouldn’t change the outcome), then all is right with the world and the confidence of the voters will be enhanced. If the numbers are grossly different, then a serious problem will have been exposed and corrective measures can be taken prior to the next election. Even if it leads to the final result being changed, people will at least be able to walk away feeling that the election was fairly conducted and decided.

The answer to this question is a follow up quote from the famous musical Guys and Dolls when Nathan Detroit, armed with the money he won from Sky returns to roll against Big Julie again

Nathan Detriot:  Get on your feet, Big Jule.  I now have dough to roll you again.  But with real dice.
Harry the Horse: Nothin' doin' With honest dice Big Juliec can't make a pass to save his soul.

It’s no coincidence that Republicans won overwhelmingly in Florida and they were able to count 4 times the ballots Arizona has in only a single night. That such an obvious thing is considered “conspiracy” tells you a lot about what is going on.

Three critical thoughts:

  1. What has been going on in this country is exactly the type of thing Kari Lake has been talking about for months and the left has attacked her as a crank and worse from the moment the had the nomination.
  2. Can you think of the Bigger conflict of interest than Katie Hobbs being secretary of state in official charge of this/ It’s Big Julie and the blank dice in spades.
  3. As seemingly everyone with a keyboard seems to be piling on Donald Trump let me point out that if he had not fought back against this kind of fraud and pushed back to the shock of the establishment who have let it go on for years Kari Lake would be a voice crying out in the wilderness objecting to these obvious shenanigans without and the national press would at best ignore or at worst malign her without challenge or opposition.

Can the Navy get any older???

Posted: November 12, 2022 by navygrade36bureaucrat in Uncategorized
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No, I’m NOT writing about the election results…plenty of other people are doing that.

Besides, the Navy gives me plenty to write about, and this week was no different. In its most recent sign that it can’t recruit enough Sailors, the Navy lifted the age limit on enlistment from 39 to 41. From

The Navy, facing an increasingly tough recruiting environment, raised the maximum enlistment age by two years — from 39 to 41 — on Friday in an effort to allow more civilians to join its ranks. “Effective immediately,” recruiters will be able to enlist people who are as old as 41, provided that they don’t hit their 42nd birthday by the time they report to boot camp, a copy of the new policy, provided to by the Navy, explained. The policy also noted that some service communities like nuclear power, Navy SEALs and divers will continue to be able to set tougher restrictions for their members.

Now, if joining the military at age 39 sounds a bit old to you…it is. I knew a few people that enlisted in their early twenties, but once you got past the age of 27…enlistment dropped dramatically. There were some officers that joined later, most of them doctors or other medical specialists, but there were not too many 30-somethings beating down the door to join the military, let alone join as a new Sailor and go to boot camp.

How much do I think this change will make a difference? Somewhere between “not at all” and “nothing.”

I did find a USNI article boasting about how the Navy was reaching out with new advertising to Generation Z. So, I watched their new ad.

Now, the videography is good. It’s a pretty tight commercial, well shot and with a good message, although it should have been titled “Never say never” instead of “Never.” So, how well is it doing?

Now, the Navy channel isn’t exactly something lots of people are going to follow for fun, but at least we can see the video is getting views. What is interesting is looking at the most popular videos on the channel as a whole.

Everything that is really popular is older. Like, significantly older. With the exception of a video made a few months back about a SWCC Sailor (well made video and a very cool story!), most of the videos just aren’t popular. I also tried finding Navy eSports videos on Twitch and other platforms, and their viewer level was…pretty low.

Which tells me one thing: all the money the Navy is pouring into advertising isn’t reaching the desired audience…or much of an audience at all. I’ll venture its because the Navy’s narrative is being told through its news stories, which consist of rampant suicide issues, a forced COVID vaccine, and the increasingly truthful notion that veterans are broken people. All of this turns off Generation Z, and really most young people in general, to the idea that they could have any sort of fruitful career in the Navy. Combine that with a strong job market, and you have the recipe for a recruiting disaster.

So, what is next? Well, forcing people to stay longer is already being discussed at USNI:

A ten-year service requirement would change the motivation of most ensigns who join the submarine force, allowing the community to recruit officers who intend to make the Navy a career. This undoubtedly would cause recruiting challenges, but naval aviation is able every year to recruit hundreds of ensigns who are committing ten years of their lives. Some of the recruitment challenges can be ameliorated by the additional benefits that would come from extending the minimum service requirement.
- From USNI

There is so much wrong with this idea that it would take another article to explain, but I’ll go with the obvious: when a generation of kids are watching their parents hop between jobs to make increasingly more money, why would they be incentivized to lock into a long contract with the Navy? And, when this approach and others like it don’t work, the military will increasingly force people to the paths it needs, which it has done in the past.

Until the actual issues are addressed concerning the Navy’s mission and how it treats its people, it will continue to not inspire young people to join, and will increasingly become more draconian in its retention approach.

This post represents the views of the author and not those of the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, or any other government agency.