Archive for December 28, 2009

Doctor Who short trips 3 days left

Posted: December 28, 2009 by datechguy in doctor who
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Apparently Big Finish has for whatever reason lost it’s license to continue to sell their Doctor Who Hardcover Book Series called Short Trips. On the 1st of the year they are required to destroy their entire stock.

So as they don’t want to be stuck with their books they are selling what they have left at pretty hefty discounts. Even with Shipping to the US each volume they have left sells for $9.77 each. (the compilation volume double sized is $20.35). Of the 29 volumes 19,23,26,27 and 28 are sold out from Big Finish. No word on what the remaining stock is for the rest.

So if you want some nice original Doctor Who tales before they become recycled material, here is your chance to score some at a deal.

After the 1st of the year or if you want a volume they are out of there is always Mike’s comics.

Now excuse me while I go back to bed.

I only have two thoughts on the subject:

1. It is now firmly established that no such attack can take place in the sight of passengers because they will not allow themselves to be killed with impunity.

2. We have reached a point where I actually had to read this story to the end to know it was satire.

That was my first car…

Posted: December 28, 2009 by datechguy in fun

A red barracuda convertible purchased in 1967 by my then 19 year old sister and handed all the way down to me in 1981.

The frame finally fell off around 1983, after 200,000+ files but oh what a car.

…I had done some channel surfing so when I went back to the game and saw Manning out I assumed he was injured or shaken up. I kept waiting for them to show the replay of the hit that brought him out. It never came.

In New England we appreciate how bad a perfect season capped by a Superbowl loss can be but lets face facts.

There have been 43 Superbowl winners. There have been 2 perfect teams.

It would be like pulling a pitcher throwing a no hitter to save him from a playoff

The interest of the fans are the reason why the NFL is a profitable enterprise, they deserve more respect than this.