One Thing You Have To Remember About all the Left’s “I Hate America” July 4th Events, Tweets, and the Apologies that Follow…

Posted: July 4, 2022 by datechguy in culture

…Is that they don’t hurt them.

Remember the “Hate America” , “Death to America” crowd IS not only their base but with the violent left, are the only part of their base still motivated to show up at the polls.

So when said base hold such an event it is to be promoted and celebrated because those are the voters that you’re going to recruit for the party, not only as voters but as “muscle” particularly as these are the folks who will be happy to bend or break the rules for you.

As for the apologies, they are as honest as Barack Obama’s declarations in 2008 that he believed marriage was something between a man and a woman and Harry Reid’s promises to Mitch McConnell. This is a post Christian “ends justifies the means” party so lying to a public about their support of these things is just the cost of doing business and of course they know the media will cover for them to keep people who are indifferent or uninformed either unaware of what was said or assured that it was an aberration.

But the left’s people know these apologies are all an act.

  1. […] Chicago Boyz: Where We Spent Today, also, Very Nicely Put Da Tech Guy:  One Thing You Have To Remember About all the Left’s “I Hate America” July 4th Events, Report from Louisiana: renaming, rebranding, and rewriting history in a free country, and […]