CRT the ivermectin of the Salvation Army and other assorted thoughts Under the Fedora

Posted: December 16, 2021 by datechguy in Always look at the bright side of Trump, comedy, culture, elections, entertainment, politics, under the fedora
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Via Instapundit

The most interesting thing about the spate of “Salvation Army desperate for volunteers and donors” stories in the MSM is the complete lack of mention of the CRT business that caused things to implode.

CRT is the ivermectin of the Salvation Army story that which must not be named

The day the kettles 1st came out in my city I rushed to put money in. The next day the CRT story broke and I walked right by them. Within a week the kettles were gone and I haven’t seen one in the area since although my wife says they’re around..

t might be a shock to some but the Salvation Army but: “Give me money you racist” is not a great business model.

The more I think about it the more I understand why the left is still in full Trump panic mode. There were having excellent success in quietly changing cultural norms and here comes Trump acting based on reality and giving people the courage to call out falsehood.

This is why we’ve entered the age of the big lie. It is now impossible to simply coax people to their own destruction so now blunt force trauma is needed to force falsehoods down our throats.

The left will never forgive Trump for making them come out in the open and the sheep will never forgive him for forcing them to openly choose between bravery and cowardice.

The panic among the left over the popularity of Joe Biden or lack thereof is a good sign in the sense that it suggests they aren’t comfortable about their ability to steal the midterms. But it also means that a lot of the institutions that cooperated in the fraud of 2020 have an incentive to go all in to make sure they aren’t exposed.

The next three years are going to be incredibly ugly.

I see that John Cleese ended up with an ambush interview with the BBC and is unhappy about it.

He should not be shocked at the ignorance of his interviewer. “Higher Education” no longer provides people with the type of education that the Pythons enjoyed. I guess those institutions that they japed about so merrily for decades might have had some use after all.

Personally given his own social media reach I don’t see why he bothered. A few strategically placed tweets will draw his audience better than the collection of media fools anyways.

I see a group of people in NYC were arrested for not providing vaccine passports at the Cheesecake factory.

Maybe they should have told the cops there were just there to loot the place rather than eat, they might have been left alone.

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