Voices of Georgia: Rochelle of Boston

Posted: May 23, 2010 by datechguy in elections, short films/interviews
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What are the odds that the first person I talk to in Georgia would be from Boston?

The look on her face when I asked if she was a republican or a democrat was priceless.

Update: Instalanche! Thanks Glenn. More of my Georgia-4 coverage from Mamie’s Kitchen and from a local paper The Crossroads news. I just under an hour ago got back from a candidate forum in the 7th district and will be uploading video overnight for Posting tomorrow. And don’t miss my Examiner column on the Rand Paul issue here. And don’t forget every time you read one of my examiner columns you put a penny in my pocket.

I will be posting from Georgia’s 4th district and the area all week, I hope to see you again before I head home. Then again if this post is to be believed maybe they won’t let a seditious person like me back

Update 2: Oh and if you are just finding me via Glenn, Robert Stacy or the Daily Gator here are the posts up to the moment of the trip:

Calling all Atlanta Area Conservative Bloggers
: A suggestion that we have a night out together, I’m free tonight (Tuesday) and/or Friday
Fedora now in Dixie (the I’ve arrived post)
Voices of Georgia: Rochelle (my first interview and I comment on sedition back home)
Breakfast in America Mamie’s Kitchen ga-4 (I talk to patrons of a local coffee shop)
A talk with the Crossroads News (The Rather extraordinary Jennifer Parker talks to me about the district)
Voices of Ga-4 my pal Vinnie: (He looks nothing like Joe Pesci!)
A Few Photos from tonight: Photos from the United PeachTree Corners Civic Organization candidate’s forum. on May 24th.

  1. […] blame air-conditioning, interstate highways and Hartsfield Airport — and it figures that the first person Da Tech Guy interviewed in Georgia would be from Boston.He apparently hasn’t yet made it to the world-famous Varsity drive-in yet. (I told him to […]

  2. […] DA TECH GUY: “What are the odds that the first person I talk to in Georgia would be from Boston?” […]

  3. Christopher Calandro says:

    I’m over in GA-5, and I’m looking forward to more of your exploits.

  4. Patrick Carroll says:

    Well, these days, the Yankees mostly end at the Mason-Dixon line. Having shat their own nest, they’ve moved south, in search of a more salubrious climate. GA-4, formerly represented by J-E-W-S McKinney, has taken its fair share, and is now represented by Hank “Capsize Guam” Johnson.

    Call some place paradise, etc.

    While you’re here, don’t miss Daddy D’z, Fat Matts, Manuel’s Tavern. and Apres Diem. Enjoy your visit.

    I’s love to hear any plans to meet up with local bloggers.

  5. bandit says:


  6. B says:

    Everybody in Georgia is from somewhere else! I’m a damn Yankee (one who came and stayed).

  7. Any opinions on Guam tipping over to the left or right?


  8. […] I’m free tonight (Tuesday) and/or Friday Fedora now in Dixie (the I’ve arrived post) Voices of Georgia: Rochelle (my first interview and I comment on sedition back home) Breakfast in America Mamie’s Kitchen […]

  9. […] -Voices of Georgia: Rochelle of Boston.  This is is the first video interview DTG conducted and, wouldn’t you know it, the gal’s originally from Bosstown, which is near where DTG lives. […]

  10. […] I’m free tonight (Tuesday) and/or Friday Fedora now in Dixie (the I’ve arrived post) Voices of Georgia: Rochelle (my first interview and I comment on sedition back home) Breakfast in America Mamie’s Kitchen […]