Voices of Ga: Brooke Nebel ga-51 candidate

Posted: May 25, 2010 by datechguy in elections, opinion/news, short films/interviews
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I talked to Brooke Nebel at the United PeachTree Corners Civic Organization:

It is interesting to get the independent perspective in the state.

  1. […] forum. on May 24th. Individual interviews on camera with Angela Moore, Liz Carter, Brooke Nebel, Jeffery Meek, and Dr. Mary Kay Murphy from the UPCCA forum. My quick take on the UPCCA Forum. […]

  2. […] forum. on May 24th. Individual interviews on camera with Angela Moore, Liz Carter, Brooke Nebel, Jeffery Meek, and Dr. Mary Kay Murphy from the UPCCA forum. My quick take on the UPCCA Forum. […]